My neighbour throws bread out on the lawns for the birds.
I place a large bowl of water out there for them because of the heat wave.
The bread dries out quickly in the heat.
I watched a Crow get a piece of the dry, hard bread, drop it in the water, wait a few seconds, then get it out and eat it.
There should be water in the garden for the birds every day of the year not just the hot ones.
Yes, crows are smart. I have blue jays that I feed all year round (peanuts). I have seen them take a peanut, fly a few feet to the bird bath, dip it in and then crack it open.
I used to watch Birds behaviour, I don’t now, got fed up of all the mystery
@Bretrick There are a few crows around my neck of the woods, but the larger Ravens are the dominate species and I’d guess prolific. I’m all in favour of them because they are large and tend to attack gulls, so get my vote every time as I cannot abide gulls due to the damage they do.
We get murders of crows hanging about making a terrible racket with their caw, caw cawing.
Might be mob mentality, “I can caw longer and louder than you”
Sometimes I go outside and shoo them away.