Crow drinking in slow motion

You all know me by now and my attempts using a video camera. This time I have tried with the camcorder (Panasonic-HCx1500) set with the slow-mode function. Discovered this only records onto slot1 for the SD card slot 2 is off. Also although now can recording in the MP4 format menu it still uses 1080p . the upate hasn’t upped the 1080p to 4K or whatever. bit of a compromise by Panasonic

However I did maned to video the below and seing the Crows eyes shut and open I would not have got without using slow-mo


That’s interesting.Most birds (unlike pigeons )seem to put their head back when drinking

Fabulous video, I could watch it for hours

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Yes, there is something very engaging about it.

Just this moment got similar with a pidgeon will put it up a bit later on after I check it