Crispy or soft tacos - a binary choice (poll)

What’s better, crispy corn tortilla shells or soft flour shells for a taco?

I realize there’s combinations like the Taco Bell double decker taco or the Gordita or the Chalupa. But the double decker just becomes a soft taco with crunchy chips by the end. And the Gordita and Chalupa don’t really have that satisfying crunch.

So what’s your vote?

crispy taco

soft taco

  • Soft flour shell tacos rule
  • Crispy corn torilla tacos are the best

0 voters

Excuse my ignorance Butterscoth, but are they an American dish?
I’ve never even heard of any of those you listed. (There again, perhaps I don’t get out enough. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:).

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Not sure, but if I google gorditas in the UK, I come up with some hits.

Gourmet Gorditas - London

and the UK Taco Bell has the Chalupa Supreme

The poll is only about standard crispy and soft shell (flour) tacos. I did google that before I posted the poll and found them to be decently popular in the UK.

Don’t worry. It’s probably just my own ignorance.
I’m sure others will know more about these. :grinning:

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You do get them here in Brit land but I don’t think they’re going to be mainstream enough for most of us to have an opinion?

I’ve had them in Mexican restaurants (not sure what the difference is between a Taco and a Burrito) and they were OK but I wouldn’t rave over them

I vaguely remember the crispy ones being hard to eat because when you bite or cut into them, they crack and the filling drops into your lap, so I voted for soft! :rofl:

What you have to remember is when they released the film Demolition Man in Europe that changed the name of the restaurant in it from Taco Bell to Pizza Hut, because they knew we wouldn’t know what a Taco Bell was

Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock even had to record new lines…. :rofl:

That was a long time ago and we might be a bit more familiar now, but not much!

Thanks for letting me know. I see youtubers in the UK eating them, but they’re probably not the norm.

Maybe if I put pictures in the OP, that would help? I’ll see if I can edit it.

Edit: OK done, pictures now in the OP. Thanks!

Just in case you have them again, a taco is a single fold shell. A burrito shell is folded in on the sides and wrapped.

crispy taco

soft taco



Just looked it up. That was quite a while ago. Demolition Man was released in 1993, almost 30 years ago. Back then, I think that Pepsi owned Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, so they probably didn’t care which one got endorsements.

This is making me feel old.

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I believe they are a Spanish/Mexican dish. When I have had them in restaurants Tacos come ready filled and are crispy, Buritos are softer - you fill them yourself, roll them up, and try to eat them before the filling falls out all over the table! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:


Farmhouse Doorsteps for me.

I much prefer a plate and not eat with my fingers.

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Dunno why, you’re still eating Tacos! It’s mostly the younger generation who do that here

Plus, we are old! :older_woman: And as my granny used to say “you’re bloody lucky to have lived this long!”

Demolition Man is one of my favourite films, my luvverly Mt Stallone looking his best, I’ve watched it many, many times

And Taco Bell or Pizza Hut on the surface, no problem, as long as I don’t have to eat that rat burger he enjoyed underground :nauseated_face::rofl:

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I always new you wuz posh :tophat:

The restaurants in which I eat supply both plates and cutlery - if they did not I would not eat there.

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