Credit Scores - Do you check yours?


Do you check yours?

They are important as they affect the Interest Rates on your borrowing and Credit Cards.

I find them weird.

My Score has gone down because I pay off my Credit Card every month and I have also nearly paid off a Loan.

How stupid is that?

If I took out a new bigger Loan my score would go up.

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I have never bothered with ‘credit scores’ , with the exception of a mortgage many years ago I don’t use credit.

I was brought up in the school of thought that says if you can’t pay or save for something you don’t have it.

This did mean having very few possessions for a large part of my life, no problem I have always slept well at night knowing I didn’t owe money to anyone.

The pragmatist in anyone should be aware that since the virus crisis, and subsequent loss of incomes (and jobs ultimately), the credit reference should be of little consequence, people with an untainted credit history, cannot pay creditors without any income, strange times.

Same here Meg,if we never had money it didn’t get bought,still the same today.

I dread to think what my credit score would be simply because we’ve paid off our mortgage, we pay off our credit cards in full each month, and recurring bills are paid by DD before they’re due. We don’t need a loan to buy things, nor do we buy things on “tick”. So, as far as a lender is concerned, I suppose we’re just not worth lending to as they wouldn’t make any money out of us.

I don’t own a credit card, neither do I buy on credit, nor borrow money. If I can’t afford something I do without - simples.

I honestly have never owned and used a credit card . Maybe I’m behind the times but they actually frighten me . Ive heard about people racking up huge debts . What I can’t afford i dont buy . I’ve always been a saver even though i never earned much . I put by for the future , even now . If I need something I will pay for it , if I couldn’t afford it all in one go I would try interest free credit.

I know of people who earn good money as couples yet still owe thousands on credit cards . Why ?

:023: Same here, Meg.

Sounds like no one on here ever had a Mortgage!

In the absence of industry, it is the credit payers who have kept this economy turning over, an industry (service obviously) where workers can easily work from home, as it happens, indirectly, 40 years of it has kept the debt free afloat, in ignorant bliss.:lol:


Credit Cards are important if you travel.

They have protections in built.

Oh yes Spitty I had a mortgage until i was 60 .

What i am shocked at it the interest rate . While in Debenhams i was offered a credit card I think I it was 28 % or thereabouts .

Credit cards are 'cards of convenience ’ to me nothing to with credit and they have many uses . They allow me to pay for goods and services without carrying cash, insure some purchases over a certain amount and provide me with vouchers to spend in Waitrose/JL four times a year from point earned on purchases.

I once bought my son a new walkman for his birthday and managed to drop and break it before I got it home. I was so glad I had paid for it with my Credit Card which meant it was insured and replaced for free . :slight_smile:


Exactly right.

I always have enough to pay for things.

They are an Insurance Policy.