Cow-related Words Used on Australian Cattle Stations

Cleanskin - cattle with no brand
Scrubber - cunning wild cattle that hide in scrub
Muster - gathering the cattle together in a mob
Rush - group of cattle that take fright and rush off (stampede)
Pad - track made by cattle.
Cow Pat - Cow dung
Cow — adult female
Bull — adult or young adult male
Bullock — adult male that has been castrated
Steer — young adult male that has been castrated
Heifer — young adult female that is old enough to breed, or nearly so. Heifers have not had a calf, or they have only just had one.
Weaner - a calf that is old enough to be weaned from its mother
Calf — baby bovine, too young to breed
Poddy calf — a calf that has lost its mother so it has been handfed — usually starting on milk, then hay and/or calf pellets (or just good grass).
Cracker cow (northern Australia only) — scrubby, poor quality cow good for not much at all (usually too bony even for the meatworks). Cracker cow is a term also used in Florida and southern Georgia (U.S.) to mean a poor quality scrub beast.

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Is it cow day? Lots of cow thoughts and threads for one day. Any particular reason or just a bovine day?

Some there I’ve never herd of.

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I thought that cows need more recognition than they get. Cows have served us well. Hail the Cow. :grinning:


I much prefer a BOVRIL day and like to make a hot Bovril drink on a frosty winter’s morning with some mid morning Bovril spread toast for elevenses .

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Hail Bretrick Priest of Hathor :cow:

As long as you’re not asking for donations or tributes :wink:


Donations not required to spread good news. :slightly_smiling_face:


Phew! :wink::cow::cow::cow:

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A cow is defined in the following way … :innocent: :grin:

"A cow is a square thing with a leg in each corner...

 The MOO comes from one end.....

   And the MOO GOO comes from the UDDER ....  


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I got to know all those terms when I used to turn on the radio for the ABCs The World Today. I would catch the end of the Country Hour and the cattle auction reports.

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