COVID-19 - Omicron: 247,000 confirmed cases of the variant now reported across the UK

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: ……

Indeed … :+1:

You see it, I see it, but, sadly, others don’t … :slightly_frowning_face:

or … as it says at the very end …use of their gym and fitness facilities.

I suppose it goes to show just how determined some are to encourage the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.

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“gym and fitness facilities”? ! well that’s one I haven’t heard before :grin:

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Its folks themselves, the system has tried to make people who don’t care. care, and that ain’t goin to happen, eyes down look in.

It appears no one is bothered about the numbers anymore. I had to go into a retirement complex last night (with my mask on), I had to pass through the communal area, which for the past 18 months has been like a ghost town, and, about 25 residents were playing bingo, sitting in close proximity, and not a mask in sight.
Oh Well.

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That’s sad :frowning:

It’s not the same everywhere … where I am we had one doing LFT every day last week … and now there’s another two residents daily testing and one of them is 90!
All because they went out to a local restaurant for Christmas dinner with their kids.
They’re holed up in their flats now.

Sorry to party poop, but lft’s aren’t that accurate.

Poop all you like … getting hold of LFT or PCR is like getting hold of gold just now.

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New study showing that omicron has a 91% less chance of death than delta variant of covid.

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Meanwhile in locked down, face mask wearing, vaccine passport France, 332,000 new cases. An all time high, with figures increasing all the time.

Good to see stupid ideas don’t work in other countries as well.

Oh… by the way @Omah

Can you name one country that is ahead of England in removing all covid restrictions and going back to normal, living with covid ? We are on schedule for 26th January … 2 weeks today.

No more variants on the horizon?

France is removing restrictions on Brits today .
The ski resorts all complained and told their little President mai non!

Restrictions should never have been put on Brits anyway.

All other restrictions are still in place.

Meanwhile in England, isolation period cut from 7 days to 5