Countdown... With Anne Robinson

Nick Hewer has left the show and Anne Robinson has stepped into his shoes as the presenter of Countdown.

Have you watched Countdown since her arrival? What did you think?

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Don’t have a TV - haven’t seen Countdown since Richard Whitely presented it. Never heard of Nick Hewer - was he good?

Was it Ann Robinson who presented Weakest Link? If so I would imagine she would be good.

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I’ve watched Countdown since it started in 1982, it was on at a later time in those very early days,
which worked better for me. Some episodes were not always regular viewing due to personal circumstances, although I did record them to watch later. Like a lot of programmes, the first and original programmes were the best I believe, although Nick Hewer I found more pleasant than Anne Robinson. When she was presenting The Weakest Link I didn’t much like her in that, I find she has an acerbic attitude towards contestants which I didn’t much like, nothing much changes there.

As for the others that make up the programme, Susie Dent, who has been on there almost for ever, Rachel Riley and those before her, all very clever people in their own specialities, they were not the subject of the OP so I will leave that there. Although Rachel Riley is rather … ? :blush: :slight_smile:

For me though, attempting to get the answers mentally, both words and numbers that is, I find keeps ‘the old grey matter’ working reasonably well. :wink: :slight_smile:

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I agree with you Baz (off topic or not) :lol:

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We used to get Missing Link on BBC World here and couldn’t stand Anne Robinson. I’ve only seen Countdown a few times when I’ve been in England and as a languages teacher enjoyed the show. If Anne Robinson is anything like she was in Missing Link then I’m glad we can’t see it

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Same here. We record this show every day to watch at teatime. I left a comment on the DE’s article last week about AR taking over asking how long a contract did she sign. So far, I don’t think she’s doing a very good job at all, and C4 has shot itself in the foot with her appointment.

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Anne is still doing her famous wink at the end of the show!

Robinson is an awful woman.She regarded Robert Maxwell as a hero.

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With all the face-lifts she’s had, I’m surprised she’s capable of any form of natural expression!! :shock:

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This thread is making me laugh because Anne Robinson is the spitting image of my sister not only in looks but attitude mannerisms everything…I don’t enter into debates with her…I have more sense :slight_smile:

My sister is lovely by the way once you get to know her

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:023: Thanks for your comment in agreement LD (off topic or not)!

Yes, I feel sure we could both expand comments in relation to Rachel Riley. :blush:
Then that really would be off topic so perhaps best not to! :wink: :slight_smile:

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I accidentally tuned into ‘Countdown’ yesterday and was shocked! Sorry Arty, only just seen your post… :nerd_face:
Why hasn’t anyone told Anne Robinson how grotesque she looks, couldn’t they replace her with someone a little more attractive. Perhaps Anne Widdecombe, great brain, very humorous and natural. I had to quickly fiddle with the remote to remove the programme before It became embedded on my mind and I woke up with hot sweats. Haven’t the TV companies got a responsibility not to offend. Or at least post a warning at the beginning.
And what’s happened to Rachel Riley’s arse? She’s another one who has let herself go a bit…
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :nerd_face:


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For those that dislike Anne Robinson as the host of Countdown (like me - can’t stand the woman), be happy. She has resigned and will be replaced, at least on a temporary basis, by Colin Murray from the middle of July. Colin’s stint lasts until the beginning of November.

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Just thought l would add… it seems Anne Robison wasn’t very popular with her colleagues on Countdown.

Les Dennis has joined it as presenter for a short time. I do love him and l hope they keep him on.
What do you think?

Countdown and Richard Whiteley went together like Yorkshire Fruit Cake and Wensleydale Cheese.
Richard made that Show - both Richard and the Show itself had a cosy low-key charm that none of the subsequent presenters could match, in my opinion.

I have seen the odd episode with each of the later substitute presenters but have not watched it regularly since Richard Whiteley died.


Boot, I hardly watch it these days either.
I started watching again when Anne Robinson was on but l didn’t like her way of presenting.
When l read Les Dennis was presenting, l had to have a look in!

I am not in the least bit surprised. If ever a shrew-faced harridan had appeared on TV, it was she! IMO she is a nasty and hypercritical person if ever there was one in the public eye🤬


Absolutely spot on. I couldn’t stand her in any of her so called shows. As for Countdown, it is far, far better now she’s gone. Her temporary replacement is Colin Murray the N. Irish broadcaster but he’s gone down with Covid. He’s been even more temporarily replaced by Les Dennis (who was supposed to be the guest this week).


Oh, I’ll have to watch Les as I know he failed his English A Level.
You didn’t like Rachel’s rump?? I know what I’d … no, perhaps not in a family type forum, but I think she is upholstered just right👍

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That must be an old pic as Rachel is dressing and looking very ‘mumsy’ these days!!