You know madness happens here also…best stop now if you can’t read for long…
I go a summons from a designated legal company. Huissiers of Justice**.
It was established only that is was for a non payment of a health bill…
I contacted my opposite young neighbour for advice and that was a shock in is self…I realised I had not seen her for months only the Husband…there she is at the front door holding a new born baby…a boy named Romeo… anyway…
…She looked at the paperwork and thought about it, then said pay it and try to claim back after…was just under 50 euros.
I emailed the company that was on the summons wanting to know what was this all about. No answer in fact the email was rejected and returned to me.
I phoned my top up Insurance Company and they said they would chase this up for me…They did not in fact sort anything out. Told me it was my fault as I had not forwarded an invoice…I did not have or need one as normally everything is done automatically with our registered health cards via the computer system…
Few weeks later I had blood tests, but no results arrived…Phoned the laboratory and they said my top up Insurance Company had not paid the costs…Now in the picture…sorry it is long winded…
The top up health insurance company had changed internal accounts to another company…
.I had no idea why they messed up here and they did not transfer my documents that link payments…
I delved into the Company deeply and realised the only method now for contact with them was emails…
So I went into our Broker that we use for our Vehicle Insurance that is nearby…face to face from now on…took out a new policy, with allowing time for cancelling the other one. Broker would deal with all paperwork and sorting out everything with the other company…
Still have not got my money back and feel I likely will not, but I will say these company’s that target ex Brits are not what they seem…
Exclusive Healthcare Insurance…turns out they are not that at all and just third party similar to a broker really…I mean our Policies have there name on it and so really like a con…the Company that deals with the accounts now is Verspieren and no idea who is running the company…
** A huissier de justice (literally French for “justice usher” ), sometimes anglicized as judicial officer, is an officer of the court in France, and The officer is appointed by a magistrate of the court (or in France, by the Minister of Justice) and holds a monopoly on the service and execution of court decisions and …