Costs getting Real

My youngest son drives for a major petrol delevery company. He tells me there was no shortage of drivers and the ‘story’ was put around to make people panic, which was a big succes, Filling stations quickly ran out therefore leaving plenty of room for the new grade of petrol.
Make what you will of that.


Well this is scary…talk about manipulation! And what is the “new grade of petrol” all about?

@PixieKnuckles The new grade is all about more bioethanol being added to the fuel so there will now be two grades of unleaded fuel available. E5 and E10. The link below explains it in far more detail:

Edited to add: Diesel here is now 149.9 per litre (around £6.81 a gallon) just how much more is the motorist expected to pay in this over-taxed country?

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I just wonder why you’re (UK) gas prices are so much higher than US prices We’re at $3.50 per gallon. I show UK gas prices as $5.79 in London. That’s almost twice what we are paying. I don’t get it, but I do feel your pain.

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It’s mostly all down to the UK tax imposed on all road fuels Danny :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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That’s some freaking tax! :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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The basic price of a litre of heating oil is today 59p a litre including 5% tax. That is the same fuel and bought on the same ‘oil spot market’ as the diesel for my car. The remainder of the price, as in show in my edit on previous post, is TAX. That is the explanation as too why it’s almost twice the price of your’s in your country.

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The gasoline tax is assessed at a rate of 22¢ per gallon. (In Colorado since 1992).

Fuel always seems to be going up, due to world influences, and that’s without the tax. That price today I posted is also without increases in tax – FUEL TAX DUTY which has not been put increased for some time now, not sure when it stopped increasing but our motoring organisations have been sending out information on this, and a way of e-mailing MPs, that it should not be imposed again, for some years I recall.

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Natural Gas (Henry Hub) 5.62 -4.03 USD per MMBtu 11/4/21 07:36 AM
Ethanol 2.22 -10.48 USD per Gallon 7/29/21 12:14 PM
Heating Oil 65.51 2.48 USD per 100 Liter 11/4/21 07:36 AM
Coal 150.00 -0.33 USD per Ton 11/4/21 07:13 AM
RBOB Gasoline 2.38 1.95 USD per Gallone 11/4/21 07:36 AM
Uranium 43.85 - USD per 250 Pfund U308 10/31/21 10:00 AM
Oil (Brent) 83.63 2.76 USD per Barrel 11/4/21 07:36 AM
Oil (WTI) 82.42 2.88 USD per Barrel 11/4/21 07:36 AM

Here is the price for heating oil and such I don’t use anything, but gas for my car. Everything else is electric.

@spitfire ,. Well lawyers do it Spitty, what’s special about them ??
Good job you’ve got lectric wheels eh ??
Donkeyman! :frowning::frowning:

@Bratti, Can’t you chop your own Bratti ??
Or are you talking hardware prices ?
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

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@Baz 42, UK has just been demoted to third world status Baz !!
I suppose we must just get used to it ??
Donkeyman! ! :thinking::thinking:

Yes we can chop our own wood for the fire place and wood stove but building materials like chip board or plywood we don’t make and right now the cost is outrageous.

Thanks for all those prices, definitely something to think about.

I have to post yet another edit to my previous post where I stated the price of diesel at 149.9 per litre. This afternoon I drive past that same garage as those prices came from just a couple of days ago, the price of diesel is now 151.9 per litre, a 2p increase in just one day!

On 11 October the price of a litre of heating oil was 61.1p, today it’s gone down to 59.42p per litre. Very odd that has gone down and yet diesel, bought on the same ‘oil spot market’ has increased in price. Something is not right here, someone is tinkering with the prices and I doubt it’s the ‘oil spot market’!

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I think that in the coming years the oil companies are going to be struggling. I say that because more and more cars are becoming electric.

Ford is targeting the country or rural crowd with this. It’s a favorite model of that truck will be interesting to see how it does.

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The first readings were a bit of an eyeopener, lets see how it Pans Out.


Ok, started data capture, the Smart Meter week seems to start and end at 12am Sunday night, so why was weekly gas reading at 3.00pm yesterday £8.85 and at 6.00am this morning £4.26, I can’t work with this. :cry: :smiley:

You need a tool, Spitty…a hammer might be useful! :joy:

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