
6,873 new cases in the UK overnight…And 34 Deaths…Worrying!

What’s worrying is the steep rise of patients on ventilator beds over the last 10 days. If it continues at this rate then we will be well above April figures by November :frowning:

That number of cases is worrying, the way these things go it only gets worse for the first couple of weeks after a lockdown too.

That is what happened in Victoria but they do seem to have got it under control now after a severe lockdown in Melbourne. The Victorian Health Minister resigned today and left parliament too according to the news, she was hung out to dry by the Premier so really had no choice.

Huge demo in Trafalgar Square again today, tens of thousands.
Lots of folk totally peed off with it all.

Indeed. I don’t know who the demonstrators might have been, but I do know that ‘certain people’ seem to be above the law.
Either the police are afraid of large numbers or they’ve received orders from above to let them get on with it.
It makes a mockery of the 6 limit rule, though, doesn’t it?

Yep, wouldn’t surprise me if the is a huge surge in new infections after that demo. Virus probably escalate because of the covidiots

The UK. The land of one rule for some and another rule for others.

I agree there is a very selective form of policing

Some groups have literally a get out of jail card free .

Foremost the BLM lot - they even have the police taking the knee .

The unite for freedom bunch etc don’t get arrested either .

Why did David Icke get away not so much as a caution ?

There is another demonstration in Trafalgar Square today .
15 000 people none wearing masks or observing social distancing .

So rule of six really means nothing .

There’s the answer.

You want to have a party with a few family members. You know that that will not be permitted.

So just invite along 200 or more and have a great time.
The police will even come along and swell the numbers!

Astonishingly protests are exempt from the rule of six ?

Tha is the completely illogical ,

Boris just called antivax covid-denier protestors “nutjobs” in his UN address.

Surley by now a cure should be found for Corona Virus, with all the £billions being spent.
How is it some people are immune, and others suffer, and sadly and even die ?

It has been reported that Vitamin D help, and also CDB Oil.

If that was true, wouldn’t the Governement prescribe it to every one?

I think there’s a lot more than 15,000 protesting, more like 50,000.
All moving to Hyde Park now.
If you listen to what the speakers are saying some of it makes sense.
I’ve watched footage by the protestors, it shows different things from tv footage.
Lots of older people there so we can’t say it’s youngsters. Peaceful protest looks like.
Some people are seriously fed up by looks of things.

But that is not conventional or scientific enough for the experts
Azure. But fear not, l detect that the new infections appear to have
stabilized and have even reduced slightly this last three days ??
Also deaths are also lower !!
Too early to shout yet though!!


That sounds like protesting about the black death imo Tessa!!


Perhaps the powers that be are surreptitiously going for herd immunity.
University students going back, schools going back, protests allowed.
Seems odd doesn’t it, meanwhile, we have The Rule of Six, just to show they care.

I think extinction rebellion are at a loose end and are keeping their
hand in by protesting any old thing now??


Sorry, but your detection methods are obviously faulty:

Sat 26/9 6,042 new cases and 34 new deaths

Fri 25/9 6,873 new cases (the highest daily number ever) and 35 new deaths

Thu 24/9 6,633 new cases and 40 new deaths

Wed 23/9 6,178 new cases and 37 new deaths

Tue 22/9 4,926 new cases and 37 new deaths

Deaths appear to have stabilised at a low level but new cases are increasing exponentially - over 7,000 per day may be recorded by Monday … :!:

ONS estimates put the daily new case total at over 9,000 (both recorded and unrecorded new cases) … :shock:

Covid: Clashes as police shut down protest over new rules

Police officers used batons to control the crowd, after bottles and water were thrown by demonstrators massed in Trafalgar Square. At least three protesters and one officer were treated by medical staff. The Met Police said the protest was being shut down because the crowd was not complying with social distancing rules and warned fines would be issued.

Thousands had gathered in central London to protest against the latest government rules, with very few wearing masks. Protests are exempt from the rule-of-six restrictions, but demonstrators must social distance. Organisers must also submit a risk assessment.

Police removed sound equipment and used batons against protesters, leaving some with visible injuries. Several protesters were led away in handcuffs. Demonstrators were asked to leave and the force said anyone who stayed could be subject to enforcement. The majority of demonstrators in Trafalgar Square have now been dispersed by police but the Met said some had moved to Hyde Park.

The police are starting to go in hard - not something I usually condone, but these protesting morons are putting thousands of others at risk and should be subject to the (current) law of the land.

London has been added to the government’s Covid-19 watch-list following a rise in cases in the city, officials have said.

All boroughs have been classed as areas of concern, but no additional restrictions have been announced.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said the city was at “a worrying tipping point” with hospital coronavirus admissions increasing.

This! :023: