WITS worldbank. Org was where the info came from
It’s media, television, that made me scared to go out of my front door and told me to clap on Thursdays, not peer pressure.
I don’t follow my peers.
WITS worldbank. Org was where the info came from
It’s media, television, that made me scared to go out of my front door and told me to clap on Thursdays, not peer pressure.
I don’t follow my peers.
They’re now saying cases have risen sharply because of schools and people going back to work etc. there hasn’t been that much time for that to occur surely?
Next they’ll be closing schools again.
I feel sorry for the children.
Nothing wrong with questioning and challenging Governments.
But viral misinformation leading to mass anxiety and confusion is nothing to do with that. I’m seeing more and more of this coming from different sources and the more I see the more I realise how easy it is to get things wrong and mislead massive groups of the population. This makes it so clear how easy it is for malignant groups to mass manipulate using the same route. Which to me is the opposite of democracy. People should question anything and everything on the net.
People should always challenge the Government on their decisions because the Government should be held to account for the consequences of their actions. But that’s why we have a Parliament to do all the research and act on our behalf.
I know a lot of people don’t agree with the current system but there are controls in place to challenge and maintain integrity. They have all the cross party select committees to scrutinise what’s going on in the country so I think that by now they would have picked up a stinker like Covid being fake. The select committees are pretty much like a court hearing and very thorough. So if there are lies they will be found out.
WITS have corrected it today.
Well we do live in a cohesive society which is only like that because people follow a set of rules and listen to each other. Outliers are admonished because otherwise nothing will work. In an emergency situation you can’t consult people on every decision or we’d never get anything done.
Yes, is that because it was wrong or because it shouldn’t have been made public?
It’s because of the government and it’s U turns that we’re confused not misinformation.
Not on this link:
It says “medical test kits” on my version
It seems to have been a code reuse error by someone who did not understand it would affect historical data. The world bank is in collab with the UN and nowt to do with our circus at westmin
I agree .
That’s what it says on my link:
Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2017
Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions
Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing
The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19
Pre existing medical devices would be what we bought in the past for Mrsa swabs and the like.
May I have your link to compare please …
It’s the same link as you posted. It said covid 19 test kits yesterday and they have corrected it to medical test kits today.
Ah, I see now …
Covid data for Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Global Cases 27,486,277
Global Deaths 896,865
Cases 26,372
Deaths 770
Critical 29
Cases per Million 1,032
Cases 350,100
Deaths 41,554
Critical 69
Cases per Million 5,152
Cases 6,485,575
Deaths 193,534
Critical 14,589
Cases per Million 19,572
Covid data for Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Global Cases 27,734,748
Global Deaths 901,858
Cases 26,465
Deaths 781
Critical 26
Cases per Million 1,036
Cases 352,560
Deaths 41,586
Critical 77
Cases per Million 5,188
Cases 6,514,231
Deaths 194,032
Critical 14,464
Cases per Million 19,658
A Sydney pub has become the first NSW venue to be shut down for multiple coronavirus health and safety breaches.
The Unity Hall Hotel in Balmain was slugged with a $10,000 fine, and is not permitted to trade for the next seven days, after inspectors from NSW Liquor and Gaming found the hotel hosted two birthday parties in breach of Public Health Orders on Tuesday.
Covid data for Thursday, 10 September 2020
Global Cases 28,022,276
Global Deaths 908,000
Cases 26,512
Deaths 788
Critical 23
Cases per Million 1,037
Cases 355,219
Deaths 41,594
Critical 80
Cases per Million 5,227
Cases 6,549,475
Deaths 195,239
Critical 14,578
Cases per Million 19,764
According to the radio this morning the pandemic in India is calculated to peak at 100,000 to 150,000 new cases a DAY. Isn’t that a mind boggling number?
Covid data for Friday, 11 September 2020
Global Cases 28,325,387
Global Deaths 913,918
Cases 26,564
Deaths 797
Critical 18
Cases per Million 1,039
Cases 358,138
Deaths 41,608
Critical 80
Cases per Million 5,270
Cases 6,588,163
Deaths 196,328
Critical 14,506
Cases per Million 19,881