It’s ALL about the number of deaths Annie, figures quoted for the number of infections is worthless unless every man woman and child were tested every week. In the early days we were basing our knowledge and procedure on just a few hundred tests each day, and now there are thousands of tests each day, therefore the infection rates must appear to have gone up…
At least with the number of deaths, each death is registered and a cause of death stated on the death certificate. You can’t die and not be registered in the UK, whereas there could be thousands of infected people walking around who don’t appear on any statistics.
The only true way of telling if a virus was worse than last year, or previous years, is by the number of deaths attributed to that particular virus. Even then, and has been found relating to Covid19, many deaths were wrongly attributed to Covid19 when in fact it was something else that killed them. People do die of other things Annie! I wonder what they would have attributed all the winter deaths from flu had Covid19 not been around?
There is a great difference between ‘Dying WITH Covid19’ and ‘Dying OF Covid19’.
So there might be some truth in what you read on social media. There are many qualified virologists and scientists who contribute to social media, and we have also seen how even the government and advisors don’t really know what they are doing, issuing advice and then changing the goalposts.
I was just going to write, “Think about it”, but no, I’ll keep trying.
The suggestion is that Covid deaths are lower than deaths that have occurred in the past due to flu.
“Ah, but” you said, “that was because they got the flu vaccine wrong in that year”.
OK. Perhaps so. So you are saying that there were far more deaths in that year due to flu because the vaccine wasn’t effective.
Let’s assume there hadn’t been a flu vaccine that year. Would there have been fewer deaths from flu because there wasn’t a vaccine? :shock:
No. There would have been at least as many.
So my suggestion stands.
In that particular year, there were more deaths from flu than there have been this year from Covid, and we don’t have a vaccine for Covid.
The flu vaccine covers 3 to 4 strains. The vaccine in 2015 was 34% effective so it saved some lives no doubt. Usually it’s 50-70% effective. Depends on how many have it of course.
Yes I agree there were definitely more deaths from flu in 2015 than there were from Covid!
I meant the lockdown measures criticised by the article were not driven just by the spectre of deaths but also meltdown in the health system. Those who need ICU treatment require huge resources, time, staff equipment to get them back on their feet. How many months was Kate’s husband on life support? Staff were sick/dying and at one point the whole system looked as though it would collapse. That’s why they locked down.
Typical woman. Twist things to try to pass the responsibility on to your opponent! :roll:
If and when I am wrong, I’m happy to just admit to it.
I’ve made my point. I’m not going to keep criticising. People can decide for themselves and, to be honest, I reckon most of them are rather fed up with it anyway!
I think so. It’s all too weird.
It’s like the powers that be are trying to reset the World populations.
Either that or they’re distracting us from something far worse that’s happening or about to happen.
I wish I could have routine cancer tests. I would rather die of a virus, relatively quickly than suffer for several years like my Mum and sister.
But the people are revolting TessA…
Yesterday there were 10,000 people (conservative estimates) protesting in London about the over strict lockdown measures. There were also the same rallies in most of the major cities in Europe. Berlin exceeding most of the others. And today the BBC continue their rhetoric of fear mongering, warning of the dangers of pupils returning to school and universities. And guess what? Hardly a mention of the largest protest rally London has seen in over a decade…They consider it more important to report American news and slag off Trump…And they call themselves the ‘British’ Broadcasting Company…They should be shut down, operating under false pretences…
There’s a protest in Bristol too and other cities I expect.
We’re being manipulated, this way and that so we don’t know the truth anymore.
It will be interesting to see how many have died through lack of treatments for other conditions, how many have pulled out their own teeth. My SIL lost a tooth, it fell out, he was due a check up just as lockdown happened.
There are so many questions not being answered, they just give us something else to think about to distract us.
You say that they are cranks Muddy, but I watched the speech by David Icke and he had enormous support and he is gaining more each day. He is going to be a force to be reckoned with in the future…People have had enough of the stupidity by the government and it’s not just here. Watch this space! There is a storm coming our way…
Only with Conspiracy crackpots .
The man is a well known anti Semite as well
He is completely off his rocker What with his lizards ( many prominent people are really a reptilan race from another world )
And believing he is the son of some God ,
Piers Corbyn who helped organise this Unite for Freedom meeting has been fined £10k