Ooh! I’m scared! :roll:
Good news.
At the moment, we are being lumped in with places like Oldham!
On the other hand, I can’t say that this ‘lockdowning’ has really bothered me. I don’t go out much anyway, to be honest, not being a particularly gregarious person.
It seems, “coin of the realm” is becoming no longer acceptable. Is this virus related or a ruse to turn us cashless?
Very interesting article about a peer reviewed study regarding the conditions for the transfer of the virus.
The study, conducted by Michael Ward, professor of veterinary and public health at the University of Sydney, and international colleagues, took locally acquired COVID-19 cases in Sydney between February and May and used postcode data to link cases to the closest weather station.
They then compared the number of reported cases with a range of weather conditions as recorded by the Bureau of Meteorology including temperature, relative humidity and windspeed recorded at 9:00am and 3:00pm, as well as rainfall, in the 14 days before the reported case.
Of all the possible weather variables, they found relative humidity at 9:00am was the best predictor.
For every 1 per cent decrease in relative humidity, they found a 7 to 8 per cent increase in COVID-19 cases.
Covid data for Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Global Cases 23,811,693
Global Deaths 817,005
Cases 25,053
Deaths 525
Critical 42
Cases per Million 981
Cases 326,614
Deaths 41,433
Critical 72
Cases per Million 4,807
Cases 5,915,630
Deaths 181,114
Critical 16,483
Cases per Million 17,856
Australia’s pandemic death toll has hit 525 with the announcement of 8 more deaths over the past 24 hours, all of them in Victoria.
Victoria’s share of that total now stands at 438.
This is the lowest daily death toll since August 15 when 4 fatalities were recorded.
The worst day to date was August 17 when 25 fatalities were recorded.
Nationally, three out of every five of the fatalities have been connected with residential aged care facilities.
To prove my assertion, here is a new table posted today, showing the disparity between the boroughs of Greater Manchester, in which we in Stockport (bottom of the list) are lumped into lockdown with the others, whereas the real dark person in the woodpile is Oldham (top of the list)!
Most unfair.
There is a big gathering in London on the 29th August called Unite for Freedom .
It’s seems to be organised by a woman called Dolores Cahill an Irish Professor of immunology or something like that .
Five other doctors are speaking at least two from Pakistan and One with A somewhat dodgy past ( medically speaking )
Anyway this lot are against masks , social distancing vaccines etc etc .
It’s all a big conspiracy to keep us all subjugated .
There are a couple of disturbing aspects to this .
One Professor Cahil is also chair person of the Irish Freedom party and secondly the fact that although they are keeping it down David Icke will be also speaking ( anti Semite and lizard man )
This to me is disturbing .
Indeed. There seem to be a number of ‘gatherings’ in Londonistan, most of which are both disturbing and worrying in their own different ways!
A mixed bag of news from downunder:
New trial results released by one of the leading Australian-developed coronavirus vaccine candidates show it is safe and “likely to provide protection” against COVID-19, researchers say.
Last night, returned overseas travellers who were placed in mandatory hotel quarantine — many whom paid up to $3,000 — at the Travelodge hotel in Surry Hills were evacuated after it was found to not meet standards during a police audit.
Overnight, 366 guests at the Wentworth Avenue accommodation — which TripAdvisor lists as a $120 per night — were moved to other quarantine hotels around Sydney.
The Victorian Government’s attempt to keep a state of emergency in place for up to 18 months appears destined to fail, after the Opposition and a majority of crossbench MPs rejected the plan.
Under current laws, a state of emergency must be renewed each month and can last for a maximum of six consecutive months.
Victoria’s Health Minister Jenny Mikakos says the state has detected 149 new cases of coronavirus and 24 people with COVID-19 have died.
Covid data for Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Global Cases 24,061,215
Global Deaths 823,513
Cases 25,204
Deaths 549
Critical 46
Cases per Million 987
Cases 327,798
Deaths 41,449
Critical 72
Cases per Million 4,825
Cases 5,955,728
Deaths 182,404
Critical 16,468
Cases per Million 17,977
It’s disturbing Muddy because they might be right…:surprised:
A while back a conspiracy loving friend sent me a link to a live presentation organised by an Icke group. There were lots of speeches by people who were into self-sufficiency, living off the grid, painting their houses with lead paint to prevent entry of the 5G etc waves… Some bits were interesting (growing lettuce from lettuce etc). But a lot of it was woo woo.
True Annie, but to dispute all of it, we may be chucking the baby out with the bath water…
Well I think the anti vaxxers are just potty.
Now we seem to have a crowd of people telling everyone that common sense is a bad thing and it’s better to let nature take its course.
There was a thread here the other day by a lady who had twisted a published statement to make the words fit her alternative argument. It’s a pity it was removed because it was such a perfect example of the spread of misinformation using allegedly official data.
Personally, I don’t rely on any vaccine. I just keep myself well away from anyone else.
Unless, of course, she’s 18, blonde and has big tits.
Did you not have the usual childhood vaccines JBR?
Certainly not. They could have kept away 18 year old blondes with big tits.
They might be potty Annie but it’s their choice. I personally have only had the flu vaccine once in my life and it was followed by the worst bout of flu I’ve ever had (which is incidentally only twice including that one) so for the last forty eight years I haven’t taken up the offer of a winter vaccine, neither will I take up the offer of one for Covid.
I had all the usual childhood vaccines of which there were just a few, but now there are more vaccines than you can shake a stick at and it’s getting worse. The human body is quite capable of dealing with most viral infections and doesn’t really need so much help. We are breeding an inferior quality of human, and one of the reasons I believe, is because we putting too many toxic chemicals in it and not allowing it to develop a proper natural defence.
A vaccine does help the human body develop a natural defence. That’s precisely what it does. Just stops you getting the full blown illness because the body is prepared. Lots of children would die or be permanently disabled without mass vaccinations.
It’s fine if some people want to take their chances but this is like a religion for some. In fact there is a link to religion in some anti vax groups. A couple of vaccines are treated as unholy because the original cells were taken from aborted foetuses in the 60s. Can’t recall which one but there you go. The fact that the existing vaccine is not linked to those cells because these were harvested decades ago matters not a jot to some who spread the anti vax gospel. That’s how nuts it gets.