Yes the US is pretty dire but even our figures are showing a bad second wave in Victoria at the moment - over 400 new infections there today alone. It was only a short while ago the total cases was stuck on 7000(ish) now it is 12000.
Personally iI think it was a big mistake reopening the clubs and pubs. Alcohol and social distancing don’t mix.
The world is facing a conundrum. Do we stay locked behind doors while at the same time our economies are being trashed.
Those Vics have taken the Aussie death toll from 104 to 128 since July 1. They are now having unprecedented cases and every day my state is seeing fresh virus clusters… mostly from the irresponsible. Agree about pubs and especially nite clubs as opposed to sports or war service clubs. How do you expect a 20 year old to remain vigilant about distance and protection when he has a gutful of booze inside him and his hormones are raging.
There’s been two pubs opened in this town,one closed again because the idiotic patrons wouldn’t abide by the rules.The other doesn’t seem to care apparently.
I’m wondering how many people got the virus that went to Bournemouth beach and other crowded places?
I was expecting reports of a huge surge in cases, but haven’t heard of any, unless they all came from Leicester.
Because Tasmania only has a population of a dozen, and nobody goes there. How hard can that be to keep them apart and avoid infection Bruce? I don’t suppose the Falklands have experienced much Covid19…
Well based on Bruce’s latest figures TessA, there have been 296,377 cases of Coronavirus in the UK. In a population of 68 million, that leaves 67,703,623 who haven’t been infected yet…So it might not be spreading as fast as was earlier thought. Obviously though, with Boris’s help and advice, social distancing, the summer (all viruses abate during the summer in the UK) and the wearing of masks is preventing further spreading, but chances are, based on the above figures, nobody on that beach had the virus, so a spike would be unlikely.
In which case then OGF Tasmania is now empty, according to the latest statistics! They certainly have done well to have such a small number of fatalities – 13 out of a total population of 524,170 – see link below:
Although I do know it’s not empty, I have family members in Tasmania and there definitely are more than a dozen of them.
Perhaps now is the time to move there, especially regarding COVID-19, it does seem safer there. I missed out on moving there 50 years’ ago unfortunately and have regretted it ever since.
Thanks for posting as you did anyway OGF, I went on to find a website with a lot of interesting information about Tasmania that I didn’t know:
Incidentally, another interesting statistic – there are no cases of COVID-19 in the Falkland Islands, out of a population of 3,485. Maybe that’s even safer! Where’s my suitcase?
What am I going to do with all this information – absolutely no idea? However, it fills in some time giving me something to do!