Don’t take it so seriously.
Coronation Street is not real; it’s only pretend!
Don’t take it so seriously.
Coronation Street is not real; it’s only pretend!
I don’t take it seriously, its a modern day Minstrel in the Gallery.
And he brewed a song of love and hatred
Oblique suggestions and he waited
He polarized the pumpkin-eaters
Static-humming panel-beaters
Unfortunately it looks like Johnny is going to take the rap JB…
What do you mean, Coronation Street is not real?..
Stupid man.
Shhh! I was just trying to let him down lightly.
I know it ain’t real, there is no such thing as a boozer blokes can go into, ask for a pint without stipulating which tipple, and get exactly what they wanted.
I must agree, that’s absolutely true.
The last time I went into a pub, had I just asked for ‘a pint’ I’d have been met with an incredulous face of the bar maid.
Who could blame her, with perhaps nearly a dozen different beers?
Having said that, I have to admit that I’ve never ever seen Newton and Ridley’s.
Perhaps it isn’t real after all.
I got a beautiful book from a yard sale. It was in a lovely case called “Corination Street”. I bought it because I thought I may give it to a friend if I find out one of them watch this English Soap.
There are all kinds of inserts I noticed. I took one out of the envelope-like insert and it was a letter from a man who committed a murder. It was so real, I was thinking of calling the police. Then my friend came over (who comes from London , Eng)
and she said, don’t be too quick to call 911, we have a little investigation to do here, hahaha.
There is all kinds of inserts in envelopes “Change of name”, "marriage Cert, pictures, train stubs, you name it, I have it in here. It is very interesting. I just have to figure out where all these inserts belong, guess I will have to read the book to find out. We should have put them back where we found them. hahaha
Don’t have much time for watching Corrie lately, I did when I was a Marine Biologist, but, since I’ve become a Surgeon I can’t just seem to make time.
I caught the last few minutes of one episode, Audrey with Gail
and her brood in rovers, just received bad news. Will she ever learn.
I was at a book sale at Christmas. I saw a book with not a scratch on it, and it was in a beautiful box cover. Inside was all kinds of things between the pages.
The first thing I looked at was a letter. A man admitting he killed someone. I was going to call 911. His marriage cert & birth certif was in there, all kinds of things…
Beautiful book. I am going to read it then look for a good home for it, as I am sure it must be worth something…it is very special, and pictures also.
It is on TV but I have never watched it. My mom did I think.
I think the penny might just have dropped, bearing in mind that her bank account has been emptied.
Are you meaning a book about Corrie, Blue?
I’m a bit confused.
Who else?
Had to be.
I don’t think Lewis is the culprit this time Cinders…I think perhaps someone closer to home…The whole family of Platts seen to have money problems just lately…