Coronation Street

I gave up Corrie like I gave up smoking with some difficulty but I got there in the end and have not watched Corrie for some time now but I miss Michele Connor she is sex on legs.

I thought of BiPoler.

Well Arty: Jan and Rachel are involved with people smuggling, Robert the chef has two women on the go (one is having his child) Tim and Steve dress up a horse called tiny to look like a unicorn and make money renting it out at kids parties, Kate is gay and going on a gap year with her friend, David is banged up for ripping off his grandmother while Nick his brother and instigator goes scott free…And Jenny is turning the Rovers into a B&B…Make of it what you will Arty…:smiley:

Ah, good. I like sarcasm. It’s the highest form of wit.

Oh Goodness, Foxy. Whatever happened to Ena Sharples in her hairnet, Minnie Coldwell and her cat, Bobby? Oh…and Martha Longhurst, Mr Swindley, Mr Papadopoulos, Elsie Tanner and Concepta? That’s when l used to watch it! :slight_smile:

They weren’t “flexible” enough for todays audience.:lol:

It has obviously gone downhill, fast!

It has diversified, but, missed the target, maybe?

Yes, that’s a polite way of saying it!

I agree, though. Rampant PC-ism.

I find Jan attractive too, weirdly, as I normally don’t go for beardy men. Such a shame he’s also a wrong’un. I find Steve’s antics really irritating now, and that unicorn stuff totally ridiculous and not at all funny. Sophie the lesbian’s wooden acting is dire, the new black family are rubbish - oh, and Gemma’s mother - get rid of her pleeese, what a ludicrous situation that’s going to be. I really must wean myself off this dross …

She’s going out of it so you won’t even have to miss her anymore…bobs yer uncle!

So did you find anything wrong wrong with Cora then eccles?..:smiley:

Every time one of the wimmin said about Jan… ‘he’s gorgeous!’ I would retort out loud to the screen ‘oh for crying out loud…are you wearing your beer goggles!!!’ He’s not even remotely attractive. And certainly not someone you would look twice at in the streets.

But, well, that’s my own humble opinion.

So has Kym Marsh left already? Or is she leaving, before the leaving? And why do the writers have the ladies being nasty to the men all the time?

Tracy, Sally and Liz rubbishing the unicorn parties, and spending ‘their share’ of the profits on a hot tub.
The one with the funny teeth wanting to throw out all of Ken’s belongings. (What’s it to do with her??)
Jenny ploughing ahead with her plans for the pub, over riding Johnny’s objections.
Robert’s pregnant girlfriend playing emotional blackmail to him all the time.

And remember when Ken tried to write a novel he ended up burning it because Deidre and Blanche made fun of him?

I dunno why I still watch it either.

Ohhhhh, I miss Blanche, she was a great character, she could be nasty but I couldn’t help but like her!
RIP Blanche and Deidre

I like the Tyrone’s Grandma, she’s a good character, Maureen Lipman is such a good actress.

I don’t think I.ll ever stop watching it

Hey that Gemma’s Mother could pass for her Mother in real life dontchathink, she looks like her!

They have been reading the LTP thread.:lol:

I completely agree.

Well, except that I don’t fancy Jan.

Marge and I are of the same opinion about her.

She just doesn’t fit in with The Street. How often do you see someone with a supposedly ultra-posh accent and behaviour living in a working class back street?

Our belief is that she’s knows someone in charge of the Casting Department, or perhaps she’s sold her body (for what it’s worth) to them.

It was once said that the Queen was a fan of Coronation Street. If she does still watch it, I’m sure she’s seen through that particular character.

Who’s Cora?

The two I have emboldened are just ‘fillers’ in my opinion, especially the ‘posh’ woman who doesn’t really have any bearing on any interesting storylines as far as I can see.

Sorry Eccles, I meant Coronation Street…sometimes I write faster than my brain can keep up with…:confused: