Coronation invitation, does Charles see himself as the Green Man?

Very much so, a classic film.
You might want to consider Blood on Satan’s Claw.

Beautifully filmed, definitely something to watch when you’re in the right frame of mind, not exactly uplifting.

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I’ll give it a go!

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That’s one lucky wall :rofl:


Why were people in York protesting and saying “Not My King?”
My only reservation about King Charles is: He is a member of the ‘World Economic Forum’ and believes in a ‘One World Government’ who subscribe to agenda 2030.

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They’re an anti-monarchy Republican pressure group. They’ve gained a bit of support since the Queen died


Those anti-monarchists in York today were a small but noisy group and they were far outnumbered by hundreds of well-wishers.



impressive chimney

Yes I agree

I received my invite but alas I can’t attend this year

Anybody want to go instead of me or Joe Biden?

What wonderful artwork.
Love the green man symbolic of rebirth … rebirth of the monarchy rising from the ashes ,decorated with English oak and the flowers of the 4 nations
British wildflowers with birds and mini beasts , along with both coats of arms .
If you have to have a coronation …I’m not in favour of the monarchy …however this invitation is beautiful.


They should exercise the treason law and have them thrown into the tower. Why spoil it for everyone else? No wonder we are breeding a race of militant kids with no respect for their elders.
It’s about time this country was ruled by somebody with some balls and thought more about England and the common people, instead of chasing net zero and sucking up to the WEF.
Get people trained for jobs that we actually need, and restore manufacturing instead of buying everything in from China.

It’s going to take somebody extreme, and we might not like some of their methods, but we can’t carry on the way we are or else the country is shafted.

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That’s exactly how I feel about it, never mind the royalty connection, it’s just beautiful, isn’t it?

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Being able to protest and put two fingers up to our betters is as traditional British as Morris dancing! Long may the freedom to do so continue!

And they could argue that it’s “everyone else” who’s spoiling the day for them :smiley:

Because it’s not them versus “everyone else” is it? “Everyone else” aren’t pro monarchy, many are indifferent and will be fed up with the coronation coverage, some think it’s all OTT and Royalty should go

It’s very dangerous to invite in “extreme measures” to save the country

You might not like the direction they take to save it, and who will help you then?


That’s the problem with dictators.They are OK as long as you agree with what they are doing.But if you don’t you can’t do anything about it.


This is a democratic country, or supposed to be. The majority of people will be celebrating the coronation of King Charles III and protesting should not be an excuse to break the law or be anti social. You could argue that if protesters appeared at every celebration what a miserable social life we would lead. And protesting will inevitably lead to violence and aggression. People feel very strongly about this country and the pomp and circumstance of royal celebration, people gave their lives in two wars for King and country.
Long live the King…


I wasn’t referring to a dictator Mr Smith…Just a PM with some balls, and someone who puts the interests of this country and its residents before the rest of the world.

Don’t think we are going to witness that Foxy, the general public would not buy it.

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Did you manage to type that with a straight face?

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With gritted teeth more like Bruce…