Copies some surprise and please some not so..dig in with any copies

I Like all these versions, but all feel different, depends on mood sometimes…

just listening to Diana Krall’s version live in Rio…very easy to listen to…

Cheryl Crows is good as well with Obama & co obviously enjoying her version.

not liking this myself…

… was gonna post Sid Vicious doing My Way, but it’s just too awful.

I was surprised when I came across the story of Claude Francois who wrote and composed the Song My Way with Jaques Revaux. he died young by accident, electrocution.

Post any ones, as the off switch is always available, adds to the thread if anything, and gives some interest or something to OMG about…:slight_smile:

The Original and composer Robert Hazards

Version by Cydia Lauper

The Original by The Outcasts

Never heard of her before but this is a good cover of a classic by some old group.

Very nice still prefer The Beatles, myself…

They also do a version almost equal to Goyte

The original


Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye) - Wikipedia

many many covers I noticed…the orignal by Outcast and written by Andre 3000 lead singer with Outcast. He is currently a successful Actor

the originally is by the composer but just wish he had tuned up his guitar better…
Eartha Kit done this also and my late Dad was a fan…not me though…awful singing to my ears…:roll:

That’s why I didn’t post it;-)

bound to be some of them that sound …not to be my taste…
I think overall my experience of listening to quite a few, mainly liking the originals…not all though…