Conservative Party Leadership Contest 2022

I’m glad Suella is gone, to be honest…very RW imo


… and not experienced enough to take on the likes of Putin and Jinping … :roll_eyes:

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Is anyone though? :thinking: Both are slightly unhinged and unlikely to listen to sense!

IMO … No, but, as in all things, some people have more credibility than others … :thinking:

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I would like to see a fresh face in charge, more of the same is not what we need.

The Tories seem to have some quite impressive younger talent.

Talent in what though? None of them have the experience really…not to deal with all this mess, anyway.

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It was experienced politicians who got us into this mess.

We need fresh eyes on the issues.

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Quite … :+1:

I agree with you, Swimmy, in that we need fresh eyes. But having a new outlook - v - ability to do anything about it, is a pretty big ask. We are in the middle of a pandemic, cost of living crisis, energy bills rising, sabre rattling in Russia (in which Putin will no doubt try to test the new PM), and…and…

no, we need an experienced person. Just not one of this lot I’m afraid.

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Yes, let’s see what kind of mess the inexperienced ones can get us into. :slightly_smiling_face:


I disagree, we are fighting yesterdays problems with yesterdays responses.

They have not worked.

A new digutal age is here, we need people who understand it and who can deliver.

Ohh…so technology might help, you think? Thats an interesting thought.


Technology is what has helped other Countries, even the French, with their long lunch breaks etc, are considerably more productive than the UK.

We know it can work well in the UK, our most profitable factories are foreign owned .

Out taxation system does not work, we do not collect as much as some other Countries.

We are focused on get rich quick, not long term planning and Investment.

The MoD is a joke, it wastes £Billions, every year.

We cannot delivier any large budget schemes on time and on budget.

Other Countries can.

Their trains run on time, etc etc.

Time to learn from others.


Oh heavens…they can’t even learn from their own mistakes, Swimmy…asking them to learn from others when they think they are still Great Britain, is a huge undertaking of ego swallowing. But yes, I do think other countries could show us a thing or two…its just whether they will get the chance :woman_shrugging:

Tugendhat is the best of a bad bunch… the complete opposite of barmy Boris…but…when did the Tories ever choose a PM with common sense,

Have just listened to Kemi Badenoch being interviewed by Iain Dale on LBC and think she’s my favourite now and she also impressed Iain’s listeners.

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What? A Gronouille in the top spot? You must be joking - half French, and a French citizen to boot. On top of that, he voted against Brexit and wanted continued membership of the EU.

Hardly the one to complete our total extraction from the European Kleptocracy.

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Aye, she comes over pretty well. A toss-up between her and Penny Mordaunt in my book.



Sounds promising. :thinking:

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For those who, like me, know next to nothing about Mordaunt:

IMO, if she gets into the top two then, since, apparently, she has grass-roots appeal for party members, she will become PM, despite her lack of experience.