Pull the udder one;-)
Here’s a thought for you - will deaf people be part of herd immunity?
Stop Milking it.
That is cleverness.
ooh lala!
After reading the deconstruction of the deconstruction Annie, I find the bloke Condescending, Patronising and dismissive, he even admits that on Elliot’s first point of all the criminal cases brought before courts concerning damages, that Elliot was half right (no he wasn’t he was completely right!) he then goes on to tell us that lawyers don’t like accepting medical damages cases…In his opinion as just another random bloke.
I didn’t go on to read anymore because it makes me wonder why the establishment have to censor anything negative about the vaccines. Are they suggesting that the general public are not intelligent enough to hear all of the pro’s and con’s and make our own decisions?
If you think the conspiracy theorists can manipulate the general public, the establishment are experts, and have been doing it for years. Every link posted that rubbishes the people who dare to speak out has been passed fit for human consumption, and that’s why I have no confidence in any link found on the internet.
We are dealing with our health here, and in my opinion it’s far too early and important to rush into anything that we might regret later. The establishment are too big for voices of objection to tackle, they have proved this with their control of the MSM and the censoring of what once were the only conduit for the enquiring mind. The only true way to make any sense of all the conflicting information is to wait and see how things work out, the trouble with that is, it will be too late to challenge the establishment when they have installed laws and rules to protect themselves and remove any vestige of resistance. You might not like the outcome of what you all appear to begging to happen. No going back…
My main objection is that it is an American website, referencing US laws and cases. They have every right to complain about their own country and legal system but what has it to do with Britain?
Are you saying that Americans are not worth a hearing Annie, especially when Johnson and Johnson and the Moderna vaccine are American?
I am saying that American problems are not our problems.
On the whole, if someone does intend to make claims which “rubbish” something, it does seem somewhat important if they are correct if they are to have credibility.
These days it is desirable rather than essential…
So it would seem. One shouldn’t really complain if someone more knowledgeable picks apart one’s arguments point by point.
or even someone less knowledgeable ! :-D:-D
QED. ;-)
True … Trump’s COVID-19 misinformation campaign enabled the virus to spread rapidly, especially among the gullible, infecting nearly 30,000,000 citizens and causing over 400,000 unnecessary deaths … his “legacy” has increased that to 33,000,000 cases and 600,000 deaths, the worst figures in the world, way ahead of India and Brazil.
The UK is seventh worst in the world, second worst in Europe, below France but above Italy.
Are you saying that if Trump had not been president nobody would have died from covid Omah?
'scuse seen you all milling around - is this the way to the covid injection tents?? just seem a guy running this way in shorts and watching a timer?? is he the late doctor?
I seem to have mistaken the covid tent for a checkpoint on my round the world run…
No, I’m saying that his stupid ill-informed arrogance concerning the COVID-29 pandemic in the USA and his moronic advice to US citizens exacerbated the situation ten-fold and directly led to the infection of millions of those citizens and the deaths of hundreds of thousands … :!:
In February, 2020, he said: “It’s going to disappear one day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
He also said in the same month: “A lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April.”
In February, he said: “This is a flu. This is like a flu. It’s a little like a regular flu that we have flu shots for, and we’ll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.”
He later compared the number of deaths caused by flu with the then 22 fatal cases of Covid-19 in the US.