Concentration pic puzzle 48


  1. con1

  2. con2

  3. con3

  4. con4

  5. con5

  6. con6

  7. con7

  8. con8

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  1. Adam Sandler
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  1. The wizard of Oz
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  1. Face the Nation
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  1. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
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  1. Deep in the Heart of Texas
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  1. Little Shop of Horrors

3 Guardians of the Galaxy

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  1. Little Shop of Horrors
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8 Rhian, I meant that but you set it to rights…nice job!

  1. John Wayne
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I love these but always arrive too late and can’t help myself cheating by peeking at all your answers!

I may be wrong but I think I may have cracked one.

Is no. 7 John Wayne?

Edited to say Sorry, Rightnow, posts overlapped, I was too late again!

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  1. Adam Sandler
  2. Face the Nation
    3 Guardians of the Galaxy
    4 Bedknobs and Broomsticks
    5 Deep in the Heart of Texas
    6 The wizard of Oz
    7 John Wayne
    8 Little Shop of Horrors

wel done all guessed correctly

@Maree next round in 5 minutes