Colorado's New App

Colorado released an app that I find pretty cool.

Allows access to pretty much all your info. To get it started I simply scanned my face and it pulled up almost all my info automatically.

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So it scans your face? How does it know its you in the first place? :thinking:

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It compares your face to your Driver’s License photo on file. The first 3 times it told me I could not be identified. I then realized I was wearing my glasses and in my DL photo I am not. So I took off my glasses and waalaaa it pulled up my Licenses and my COVID data.


Oooh fancy! Well thats good then…and will they be rolling it out across all states then?

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Don’t know it only makes sense with as many forms of ID as we are being asked to keep up with now. That doesn’t include personal items like Credit Cards, Library Cards etc. I am all about slimming down on documents.

@Danny, we also have had a database app in NY for about a year now. They started it for the vaccinations, so we could attend concerts or ballgames if we had been double vaccinated. It is handy and prevents fake ID cards from being used.

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