Collections: Valuing, Buying and Selling

With some time on my hands at the moment, I have finally began sorting out my vinyl collection for possible sale.
I have drawn up a table with Artist/Title/Format/Condition and current prices if available using Ebay & Record Collector as price guides. I will then decide which I want to sell and how to go about it.
I have quite a few rarities and so far it’s quite enjoyable going through my collection again after being housed in the loft since the 1980s.

Is buying and selling a hobby (or even a job) for you?
What would you never sell?

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I have sold a few things on ebay that I no longer want.
I do buy a lot on ebay, I have just ordered to Lamps for outside.
At the moment I am selling a Concrete Water Fall on ebay.

That’s good, Susie :slight_smile:
We’ll try to keep the thread about our hobbies of collecting, not so much buying anything we need from Amazon or Ebay…that would count more as basic “shopping” :slight_smile:

“er indoors”

Ok Flyody,

I collect Piss Pots, I have 5 Antique ones at the moment but need another 2.

Also I have a collection of Tea Pots.

Be careful not to confuse them.

I have 369 cats living in my bathroom. Some of them a quite valuable. Here are a few:-

I’m not a collector, I offloaded my old LPs at a charity shop back in the 80s instead of sticking them in the attic. There were no rarities amongst them.

I’ve bought and sold some used camera gear in recent years … Gumtree mostly … functional stuff, not collectors items.

But I sometimes think it would be nice to own some 60s/70s gear just for it’s beauty … the kind of camera that today’s state of the art box of tricks, with it’s “retro” looks, is based on.

This was my first proper camera from 40 years ago. I wish I’d kept it. Isn’t it the most beautiful thing? Wikipedia

Very nice d00d :slight_smile:


… and the digital copy:

I want both. :mrgreen:

Nice but pricey, is it import only?

My late dad had a very nice collection of cameras, d00d. I only wish I’d kept some of them.

I have sorted, listed and got my vinyl collection ready for sale and I’m about to take the list in to a local record shop for them to peruse. I won’t sell anything I wish to keep or if they don’t offer me a suitable price, so we’ll see what happens there.

The Df sells for just under £2K inc. the 50mm lens. It was available at all the main camera retailers, but not so much now as they’ve been around for 5 years, and I guess it’s the kind of thing that you’d already own if you wanted one.

Yeah …I particularly like that era and type. Stuff like the rolleiflex and box brownie are not so interesting some how.


Don’t ask me what they were d00d, but they were really old but in good condition. Big, cumbersome things with lots of metal buttons and dials. Probably from the 1930’s onwards.
Sadly, I sold them all at auction and made next to nothing on them:-(

My 80s clear out included:

1 Iron Butterfly live
1 James Gang live
3 LPs by Curved Air
3 LPs by Sniff 'n the Tears
1 LP by Baker Gurvitz Army

To name some of the more obscure. Atleast, you might think so.

What have you got on that list then Floydy? :smiley:

Good stuff that lot mate. I’m familiar with all of those being a collector. I go way back than my youthful 54 years lol :lol:

I had over 3000 albums on vinyl but sold most of them at car boot sales about 20 years ago. Wish I hadn’t.
I kept around 40 albums and lots of singles, mostly rare ones.
I typed the list out this week with current valuations but it’s on Word and I don’t know if I can reproduce that list on here?

I took the list to the record shop this morning and left it with him. He wants me to bring all of it in next Friday. I didn’t tell him but I’ll be happy with £200 for the lot.

EDIT - I’ll edit my list into a non-table format and let you see what’s on it. As I say, they’re only vinyl. I have about 3000 CDs and everything is on a 8500-LP strong MP3 format on an external hard drive, so I still have my collection (of sorts).


I asked if it was import only because of this

Blimey … 3000!

I don’t think I ever had more than 100 at any one time. They were never catalogue alphabetically or anything, I’ve never been that organised, but I always put them back in their sleeves after use no matter what.