Churches And Gravestones

The great Fran Cotton.( rugby player)

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I have an old clock that was presented to my great-grandfather for his services as assistant organist, so I too like the old wind-instruments as well. The one in the church opposite where I used to live was originally pumped by some poor sod round the back, but was later converted to electrickery.

Before organs were common in churches, or possibly before they were invented, musicians often performed in a minstrels’ gallery at the back of the church. When it was time to sing, the congregation were told to “turn and face the music”.
Sometimes the holes for the gallery supports can still be seen on the back wall of some churches, and some retain the gallery which nowadays is used for additional seating.

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Right, you’re on. You pick the time and place.

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I think being cross-eyed adds enormously to her attractive feminine appearance.

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Is that a woman?!

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Absolutely true, although actually organs are as old as the Romans.
Yes, hand pumping was the necessity in the old days before someone decided to use water power and, later, electricity. The duty often fell on a handy choirboy.

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Very good question. I assumed with a name like Fran…
in any case, she’s a scary woman.

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Well the mud doesn’t help, and the fact the photo is in B&W…but hey I bet she has incredible skin. Mud is so good for skin, although I wouldn’t recommend bathing in it!

I’ll let you know when Mary and I have our naked mud wrestling bout.


Absolutely, pictures will follow :rofl::camera_flash:

And you know how much trouble that got us into last time :scream:


I actually did have to photograph a ladies mud wrestling match just after I left school. It was for a local paper and it was a charity event. I remember it was good fun but when the tops and bottoms got torn off it became a bit…umm…scrummy, lets just say. I backed out of there as quick as I could because I was a) mortified and b) had to protect my camera from the guys who were barging to the front :scream:

Fran Cotton is a bloke who played for England and the British Lions; Fran being short for Francis.


I’m glad you posted that.
To be honest, I was becoming a little worried that a woman could ever look like that.
He should have called himself Frank, then, because Fran sounds distinctly feminine.
Er, don’t tell him I said that.

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Thanks Fruitcake! We really should have googled it first!

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I’m a little uninformed about naked mud wrestling - for example, from where can I buy a large amount of naked mud?

No one heard of Cotton traders .

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is harbal a slow learner dya fink?

I’ve heard of Cotton Traders, Caricature, but…in what context, here?

Fran Cotton the guy I posted a picture of founded it.


Thanks, C.

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