Christmas lights where you live

Some properties are really quite good. The children love them.

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My neighbour :slight_smile:



My main rehab nurse has just been and mentioned how few people have big displays this year.

It is the electricity costs.

How much energy do they actually use?



No simple answer, depends on the size and power of the displays.

I no longer keep a reef marine tank.

The hard corals need a very high intensity to thrive.

The lighting alone was costing me just over £30 a week.

A large high intensity Christmas display is more than double that.

Just round the corner from my house, there is a house which always has a lot of flashing Christmas lights - this year, it also has a blow up gingerbread house / Santa’s grotto attached to the front of the house.
It looks pretty as one is walking past but I would not like to be a neighbour living on the opposite side of the road - those flashing lights would drive me mad!

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The vast majority of them are LED these days. How much energy do they use?


I had two 180 watt led lights per 30 cms of my tanks.

That was because of the depth of the tanks.

If you go to a marine shop, the corals are kept in very shallow tanks so they are as colourful as possible.

The deeper the tank, the more expensive the lights.

But are you sure that the lights are really that power? Often they are called Watts but in actual fact they are LEDs. This is a bright light in a bathroom. It is 10W. . Similar with the rest of our douse. Would your lighting tanks really need 180W?

All of my Christmas lights are now battery operated and are self timing. Six hours on…4pm until 10pm daily. Currently ( No pun Intended) they are still using last years batteries. All triple As.

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Yep, all to do with PAR.

My tank came from shopfitters, a very high end shop in Knightsbridge and it was an overnight refit, well a Bank Holiday overnight refit.

It was not skipped, I got it, not a lot for cash, lost a lot before I could set it up properly, but still well worth it.

I no longer have it, I am no longer well enough to keep it.

I’m sorry about your health.

This house is close by where i live i know the person he has a charity box outside asking for any donations this year all monies is going to millford hospice a cancer treatment center.

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I’ve lent my tester to the daughter, she was worried about the cost of her three or four strings of lights and a lit up Squirrel…Less than 2 pence an hour. But I’ll do some costing on my set up when she brings it back…
I hate lending tools and stuff out…even to family…


Yes, I can understand your projects.

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Solar lights are very popular here.People artistically place (throw) them onto a bush or tree in the garden and just leave them all the year until they wear out and then throw more on top.

Solar lights only work here for six months of the year Mr Smith, that’s if we’re lucky with the weather…

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Hope overseas members post some photos of their local Christmas lights. :mx_claus:

Always seem to forget where it is, or lend it to a friend. :zipper_mouth_face:

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