Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Enjoy your evening out, Emjay. Happy birthday to the GF.

Good morning Happy Valentines Day.

Couldn’t open the door this morning, it was jammed packed with Valentine Day Cards.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Ah, my postie is usually later in the day, but I bet he is stumbling under the weight of all mine.

Hopefully the guy is still coming later to clean my gutters. I need to get out for some cash. And must collect my repeat meds. I stopped off on the way back from seeing the nurse and saw the queue out the door, so didn’t bother.

Good morning all.
Nobody loves me it would seem. Because I ain’t got any valentine cards. Also I ain’t sent any.
Did some mud collecting a short while ago when I went walking around the fields. Soon I should have enough to plant some potatoes in.
Lunch later at Morrisons, then also dinner at my daughter’s.

Don’t worry Emjay, I didn’t get one either, it was just my imagination gone wild.
Cooking a Roast dinner instead.

Having Iceland Chinese. £5.50 for three items, with half frozen.

Bloke’s here, almost finished cleaning my gutters. You wouldn’t believe the stuff I could see sprouting out from them.


Need to change my bed linen today and hoover. Also my phone battery needs replacing, so I will phone Timpsons in town, see if they can do it.

Good morning all.
I had a good nights sleep. I am saying this as lately I have been having trouble getting to sleep.
Ok, so laundry is being done, as usual for a Saturday.
I expect that my daughter will drag me out later for our usual venture ‘up the mount’, for a browse and lunch at the usual place.

Good morning all.

Its freezing outside at just 2c, so wrap up well if you are going out.

No plans for me today.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

That weather was awful yesterday. I wouldn’t take Holly for her early evening walk, instead pushing her into the garden so she could do a wee. We got out about 8.30. She did get me up later this morning but that was ok.

Beef casserole going in the slow cooker.

Good morning all.
I have just been out to put some rubbish in the bin, and yes it is cold out there.
But I must motivate myself to go for my daily walk. I ain’t going round the fields, as it is so muddy. I will just go around the block.
I have an invite for tea, cake, and a natter with her down the road this afternoon.
I don’t know what phone you have, but I have replaced the batteries in iPhones.
I ordered the batteries on line and they come with the tools that are needed to do the job. Very tricky job.

I would need to buy more than a kit. You also need the stuff to wipe away excess glue, then another glue patch for the back of the phone, as the new battery kit only give the two strips. I saw how fiddly it was on youtube and decided it wasn’t a job for the faint hearted. Don’t think it’s bad, £40, and letting someone else do it. I can do some shopping, ask how they’re getting on, then maybe go across the road to McDonalds for something.

Good morning all.
Beautiful sunshine here, but freezing cold at 0c.
Off to Kirkley Clinic this morning for Diabetic Eye Screening.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Susie, good luck.

Had to dash out to my surgery, drop off a sample following my diabetic review last week.

Community cafe later.

Good morning all. Blue sky and sunshine here, but very cold out.
Off to Sainsburys shortly, and I expect that my daughter will be coming here later.
Good heavens, this was not sent this morning. wifi playing up.)

Emjay, it probably was in suspension. Azz has confirmed the site had problems (an expired cert).

Good morning all.
Also sunny and blue sky. I have not been out yet so don’t know if it is cold.
I suppose I could stick my head out of the door to verify that. :thinking:
Later I shall accompany my daughter for her shop at Sainsburys.


Yes, it is cold Emjay. However I am trying to dry my towels out on the line, hoping it will be breezy later.

Cafe this morning.

Good its cold and beautiful sunshine, its3c.