Check out Britain's biggest hedgehog street

Dale Road, in Keyworth, which is a large village in Nottinghamshire, has been named ‘Britain’s Biggest Hedgehog Street’ by two wildlife charities.

People living in the village have achieved this by drilling holes in their fences to connect as many gardens as possible. This helps to create wildlife corridors for the hedgehogs to explore and meet each other.


Aww that’s nice. I haven’t seen a hedgehog in decades. There is a problem with holes in fences if you have a small dog.

When I was a child there were lots of hedgehogs around where we lived & some even hibernated in our shed one winter.

One summers’ evening there was the most awful wild screaming. We rushed out and my dad followed the commotion, shining a torch at the fence. The awful noise was coming from a young hedgehog that had somehow caught its foot in a gap where the fence was broken and was trapped. We freed the poor thing and it scampered away.

I guess they are at risk with wire fencing or any shards of wood or loose nails in a fence. But good to know that someone has managed to revive them in their local area. I would love some here to eat some of the slugs.

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There used to be lots of hedgehogs in my area but the fashion for big fences has done for them . I have dug a passage under my fence to one side .
My neighbour is not wildlife friendly at all his garden looks as sterile as a desert .
I feed the rooks in my garden they land and crap on his shed roof , warms the cockles of my heart .:slight_smile:


I’m not sure that my neighbours would want me to drill holes in their garden fences…

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I was outside with the dog earlier on, pitch black, pouring with rain and a torch. She is in the front garden sniffing around, and I flash over on the front of the house…14 slugs all under the window sills and amongst my geraniums :scream:

Ha! I would do the same…I like a wildish garden,

Oh go on…hedgehogs aren’t so big…much anyway :joy:

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One of our neighbours across the way had one in their garden. I wanted to take a photograph but the time I got the camera it was gone into the bushes. Another time…

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mine are doing well, still coming for food after dark and looking fit and healthy


I’ve 2 visiting foxes they are a joy but no hedgehogs :disappointed_relieved:

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I have a visiting rat .

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Stick some twigs on it and it could pass for a hedgehog if you squint hard enough!

I have a fox who comes and toilets in my garden. All the magpies and crows go nuts at it trying to scare it off, but it just ignores them all until it’s finished, then saunters off.

Too many cats around here for rats, thankfully. :rat:

Did you mention you have a dog? I think the fox does the same here just to annoy the dog. He likes to poo on my raised beds. The cats also think they are there for their convenience, nice and soft outdoor toilets.

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Yes I have a dog Annie, and she tries to roll all over the patch of foxy doo-dah :roll_eyes: So I have to go out and pick up after the dog and the fox. At least cats have the grace to cover up their toileting! (Another reason I cut back on the bushes lining the garden…its a favourite hiding spot for cats!)

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