Charles 111 and NOT paying Inheritance Tax

@Muddy , “she left her dog”
Who did the dog leave it to when it croaked ?? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

@PixieKnuckles , " can’t ask a king what he’s worth"
Might only be “half a crown” eh!! :smiley::smiley:



Very clever DM :+1: Loved that!

@Dextrous63 ,. Let me fink about that?

Bob Dylan, A sweetheart like you.

They say that patriotism is the last refuge
To which a scoundrel clings
Steal a little and they throw you in jail
Steal a lot and they make you king

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Of course they are not . Such a gift is called a ‘ gift with reservation .’
If you give your house away but continue to live in it you must pay market value in rent.
If you give away your assets to avoid paying nursing home fees this is tax evasion and the council may pursue you for reimbursement of costs .

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