Do you change items around, it can be anything from what’s in the cupboards to furniture?
Is your mind quick at remembering where you placed the item that you changed around?
I put the sugar in a different place in the cupboard, then kept going to it’s original home,
I kept forgetting I have a car as well, I was wondering how I was going to get a few bags of compost home…then remembered I had the car.
I even forgot I had a microwave once,

Have you seen anyone about this ? 
If you go a long time without something, as I did with my car, then you are in the mindset of walking and figuring out how to get from A to B…takes a while to adjust to having a car.
And no, I haven’t seen anyone about it,…why would I?..or are you being funny?
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NEVER! I do not take to change well as I like to know where everything is and how our cupboards are arranged. Event the tinned food carousel is arranged in order.
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That’s interesting,…” I do not take to change well”…
I’m always changing furniture and items around.
You have a carousel??!! My my, that’s posh!
I have also put stuff up in my loft…I can’t remember what’s up there…mostly my sons stuff.
Posh? It’s the only way to fully utilise a corner cupboard of an L shaped arrangement of cabinetry.
Ahhh, that makes sense, yes. I had visions of something swirly and grand, sitting on your kitchen table ready for you to peruse at your leisure! 
And they utilise it well…

No, nothing moves…I don’t like change, nor does my wife…a place for everything and everything in its place
You don’t like change either,interesting.
I love change, I’m minimalistic, everything must be in its place…but every time I change something around, my memory takes a while to catch up,

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I’m the same. And if my wife happens to move something I’m lost!
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