Poor little thing.
Neutering an animal would not cause an immediate increase in nervousness as testosterone continues to be in the body for about six months.
Dogs that have been ill treated do have issues.
The formative time ( about six weeks ) is vital for them to be happy socialized dogs.
He doesn’t torture dogs Megs
I am an animal lover and would never condone any ill treatment of an animal.
I guess torture is subjective, I call it torture when he hit a lovely dog for food aggression I think it was, he really had to taunt her to make her turn then punched her
Training by fear/pain is wrong and shocking a dog or using a prong collar creates fear and pain it gives negative signals.
Anyone who thinks this is good training is sadly mistaken.
What you create in a fear/pain trained animal is a ticking time bomb.
Positive training menthods get my vote any day and Ive had dogs all my life.
Dogs are pack animal.
Look at the African hunting dogs
They live and works as a pack
Dogs are highly social animals
They put their trust in a competent leader.
The leader ( often an alpha female ) makes all of the decisions, provides fair discipline, makes and enforces rules and controls resources.
The pack works collectively together to give the next generation the best chance of survival.
If a dog doesnt have a human ’ leader ’
he will step up to the job.
But he doesn really like it a dog that has his foods and needs provided for him is confused because he knows these are his tasks as leader.
He would prefer to be a follower.
So he does what he can do ie protection with more effort.
this of course often turns out to be unacceptable behaviour
ie aggressiveness towards visitors
They aren’t African wild dogs either. We keep them puppy like their entire lives, it’s not a pack at all.
Yes it is
the pack consist of you and your family members
I think you are wasting your time Julie Muddy clearly does not believe in evolution.
You may be right Meg I am not a dog my dogs know I am not a dog too. So no pack here.
I think that was an unnecessary comment Meg.
It clear that you have no time for me but please allow me to have an opinion on something .
Here are some facts on African Wild Dogs Julie
If you are an animal lover you may be interested .
You dog looks to you as leader Julie because it lives with you and you provide it with food you dont actually have to be a dog.
No pack here Chloe knows the difference between dogs and humans we don’t smell the same .
I am sure she doesn’t think she is a wolf either anymore than I think I am a caveman
What is ‘unnecessary’ about observing your failure to take into account evolution Muddy .
On the contrary I try to make time for everyone
You your house and all its inhabitants will have a similar smell, a smell that will identify it to your dog …
No Meg You simply dont like me you have made that absolutely clear.
Thats OK we dont have to like everyone .
But its not very nice to take it out on every post i make .
Really is it ?
Muddy dogs and humans still retain the distinct scent of their species.
I am going to ignore that comment Muddy I don’t play game .
I dont play games either Meg
I am an honest person .
and that is all i ask to be treated fairly and honestly .
What is not ‘honest’ or ‘fair’ about my disagreeing with what I consider to a cruel method of training and an outdated concept which I can back up with the latest research Muddy .
It really is very silly to take such an attitude Muddy and assume just because someone disagrees with your opinion they must obviously not like you
there is absolutely nothing wrong in haveing a different opinion .
The same applies to me i can disagree
Its what makes discussion interesting
It was the unnecessary comment that was out of order
Something that you have professed to abhor.