Celebrity TV Programmes

Why does nearly every TV programme have to have a celebrity version? I’ve just found out, that one of my favourites, Race Across The World, which I’ve watched the last 3 series, with just ordinary members of the public, is going down that same old tedious route. I won’t go into the names of the so called celebs, because frankly, I will be giving their version a massive swerve. Is nothing sacred or safe from those desperate wanabees!?? :anguished: :frowning: :open_mouth:

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I rarely watch “celebrity versions” of TV competitions and game shows but I guess plenty of people must watch them or it wouldn’t be profitable for the TV production companies to continue making them.

I have been watching the Race Across the World Series too. I have enjoyed each series.
I cannot imagine how this competition will work using “celebrities” - the contestants who are “unknown” rely on their skills and charm and on the goodwill of the public for free lifts, accommodation and meals etc
One of the things I like about the show is seeing the kindness and generosity of the people the contestants meet along the way.
I imagine if the contestants are well known figures in show business, that may influence the public when it comes to giving them help.
The cynic in me will wonder if the public are helping so they can rub shoulders with the “celebrities” - although I must admit, I rarely recognise any of the “celebrity figures” who take part in “celebrity versions” of TV game shows and don’t know what most of them are “famous” for!

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