One thing leads to another…Noticed how my Cats need a Bath…Tdoay here we go…
So far no fights…few looks that their glass eyes make them follow you.
the eyes follow you,note the Ginger one on the end how his eyes have moved…the middle looks a tad cross eyed in one and moved them in the next shot…
These are just part of my Collection and are Winstanley in Norfolk but they sell them through varies avenues…Flea Bay for one…
Do you wash your Cats?
Never going to be a good Photographer, like my Sister is…
My first one I saw an ad think it was FleaBay and the winstanley cats I had never heard of…but saw it, wanted it.haha.bought it…
The Hobby took over my house…Hilary the Tiller girl, old neighbour from Bexhill on Sea, she got the bug when she saw mine one day…She has just as many as me… at last count…
Di don’t do yourself down they are good photos. Those eyes do follow you around.
Like the second photo, the black cat in the background looks like it’s photo bombing
That also shows one of our Ham Radio Set Ups…Still not used it since moving here…oh well, one day…CQ CQ CQ that is how you can call for a contact, you to start with cq…then add your callsign and see it somebody comes back to you…
Can be real exiting/interesting, spoke to an Airline Pilot one day…sure that should not have occurred though…heard a femme voice haha…
Chillie6… see your idol on the wall…
Been there - it is fascinating to watch the cats being made. Came home with several and - yes - they do have a bath now and then. There are 369 cats in my bathroom - of various makes and sizes. Umpteen around the rest of the house - so to round them all up and bathe them is a marathon task!
That is so interesting to me…I have spoken with maybe one of the Sons…
He made at my request a model of our Girlze. Puss…and I needed to make sure of a few points for her final painting…I notice they have changed the web pages,it use to be full of all the Models…now I can’t seem to see them…
I realise modern times call for changes …but some of the models now leave me cold…