Having read the messages here I would suggest that plant based defences are your best and safest bet.
My garden has similar defences introduced initially to make my kids enter by the front gate rather than jumping over the fence
This one produces nice flowers but as you can see is covered in flesh tearing spikes
This one is more extreme and deadly
Finally one for ground cover to extend the range of your protection.
These plants grow like there is no tomorrow and reproduce and spread without assistance however you can speed the process up by breaking off a shoot and sticking it in the ground (my kind of gardening).
If you look at the base of the tall spikey one you can see all the pups which can be replanted. I had a bloke call round and ask if he could take some, I think he took a couple of dozen to protect his property but he hardly made any impression on the number of pups.
No animal or human can get through or over these plants without severe lacerations.
Note to self: Must trim the bits near the letterbox don’t want to impale the postie.