CareyBrown, new member

Hi there, I have recently joined this forum.

Hello Carey :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50s Forum…

Hi Carey

welcome to the forum.

Hi Carey
A very warm welcome from me.

Hey, Carey! Welcome! :slight_smile:

Good afternoon Carey matey and welcome.

Hello Carey, welcome to our forum, we are a friendly bunch on here. There are many topics for you to chose from, so just get stuck in there and chat away.

Hello there.

Hi Carey :039:
Welcome to the madhouse
Jump right in :smiley:

Hi Carey, a very warm welcome to you here on O50s. Look forward to your contributions on the forums. Promise you, we are a friendly bunch so you won’t need a tin helmet!:mrgreen:

Belated good wishes, Carey.

Hi Carey, sending a welcome to the forum from Canada :slight_smile:

Hi Carey welcome :slight_smile: