Car model second names

A few years ago, when I felt mischievous I would create sticky labels with the word Alec on them. Then place them on any Smart car parked nearby.
Recently I thought of other labels I could also have created:
Jazz - band
Civic - duty
Sierra - nevada
Capri - pants
Mini - skirt
Polo - mint
Maybe you could think of some for me to produce?


“My other car is a Porsche” – that’s already been done though I recall. :grinning:

Could be the Ford Mustang (Sally)
I think it’s a brilliant idea David.You’d have to be careful not setting off the alarm though :slight_smile:

Can you do me one with Zeneca on it, for my Astra?

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I like that one …

And it’s very appropriate, as I’ve got two doses of it inside me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mondeo - Mondeo, daylight come and I wanna go home. :banana: :banana: :banana:

Robin - Red Breast. (Reliant.)
Seven - Eleven. (Lotus or Austin)
Rebel - Yell (Reliant.
Dawn- French. (Sunbeam.)
Hereford- Cow. (Austin.)