Can You Solve This Mystery For Me?

I think you’ll find that fuel is the only thing that’s allowed to be dumped (jettisoned) from an aircraft in flight and that’s usually in the event of an emergency, when the aircraft load has to be lightened.


Looking at the debris , and assuming you hadn’t moved it prior to the photo there’s no way it would have come from a great height and landed that neatly. It has been dumped by a casual passerby.


If it was accidental then it might be worth contacting the CAA (Civil Aircraft Authority) to see if it has been recorded. If it was then that would at least give you the reason for what you found. No reason why you would but did you take a photograph of it before disposing of it? That might be very useful to send with any email should you contact them. :frowning_face: :grinning:

Whoops! I don’t know what happened there as this should
have been a reply to Artangel’s previous post!

Operator error or down to the new forum software! :grinning:

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the load had to be lightened but 100% there had been no emergencies…clocked every time it occured…
Just to add how disgusting these incidences are
The result of Pollution is killing this world, single handed…

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Of course you did … :roll_eyes:

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Sounds like you would not notice if somebody pours fuel on you…Omar

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Tezza, I had put them in the bag to dispose of them but then l realised if l were to start a thread, l needed to show them in situ. So l tipped them back out of the bag near the crystals. They had been further apart but that meant, l would have had to take three separate pics.

I apologise for tampering with the evidence!

Ad hominem attacks are against forum rules.

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Artangel we had a lot of birds also around our Bexhill home…Crows had taken various items from our garden and dumped them elsewhere…


That is not attack .it is a statement for your statement Omar

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Sorry about the Artangel…if in doubt I will leave the thread…really not looking for any issues…your threads are always Fun

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No worries A. :wink: but I still think had they arrived from a great height they would be spread over a couple of miles


Diane, I think that’s what’s happened.
On two occasions, l have found bags of dumped McDonald’s meals still with receipts in the bags, in the same place in my garden.
Both were bought locally, one from McDonald’s probably a mile and a half away. The other from a McDonald’s about 3 miles away!


Dianne, Please don’t leave the thread. Your input has been great and l appreciate it.
Just carry on, regardless!!

One time it was one of these…

Love or Hate them…they are great for Gardening…

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The crow theory doesn’t seem to hold much water, either:

Crows gather food and only food.

Wild adult crows will never collect, hide or store anything other than items of food


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I’ve read the thread so I know that these were spread about your lawn and my first thought TBH is “foxes”!
It’s typical of their naturally-playful nature and the crystals you see are the liquid-absorbing contents of nappies.


Art I agree with Zaphod my first thought is a Fox, they will eat anything including the content of anappy :icon_rolleyes:


Yep, my thoughts too. Wouldn’t be surprised if some foxes live nearby in the hope that one day they’ll get into that coup.

Years ago, I saw a couple of town foxes walking across Turnham Green, carrying some McDonald’s bags before they settled down under a tree to investigate the contents


I don’t see what the problem is.

It’s clearly a Nappy Christmas present, from Santa.

The ice would have been on his Christmas cake!

Or maybe, it just fell off his sleigh!

Have any nappy contents DNA tested, if you’re really worried.
