Can you reverse park?

Apparently, drivers in Western Australia are the worse drivers in the country when it comes to reversing. 17% of all crashes in WA happen while in reverse.
The National figure being 12%. The study also found that WA drivers are the worse for hitting stationary objects. 23% of all accident claims. Nose to Tail accidents were highest at 28%, blasted tailgaters.
Moves are afoot to ban reversing parking in shopping center car parks and Multi storey car parks because it holds up traffic.
I watched someone on the weekend try to reverse park between two cars, 4 attempts later, with a line of cars held up behind, they gave up and drove away.

Having driven vans for 30 years in my last job, reverse parking comes easy for me, I have one of those cars that can self park, although I have some input with the gears, and accelerator and brake, the steering is totally remote…

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That will be a boon as we move into the future. All cars will be fitted with this ability.

I’ve only used it twice but it’s pretty cool really, not touching the steering wheel whilst it does its thing and ends up parking perfectly…

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People don’t use their mirrors when reversing. Like Primus, I’ve spent most of the last 30 years driving vans and lorries, you have to use your door mirrors because you don’t usually have a mirror glued to the inside of the windscreen.
When I worked for the Royal Mail I had to take a test before I could drive their vans. The main reason for the test was to see if you could reverse safely just using your door mirrors…

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This is how you do reversing, remarkable.

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I really struggle to reverse park on the right side , I just can’t get it right first time, I use my mirrors , turn my head to the right , yet I really struggle getting it right. Reverse parking on my left is much easier. I’m actually left handed I wonder if this is why


Welcome to the club Susan, I’m also a member of the left handed club…


I have always found it easier to reverse park into a parking bay, so I can drive straight out.

I always reverse park into my driveway too.

I hate having to reverse out of a driveway - or a parking spot because Sod’s Law plonks a blooming great van next to my car - so I can’t see what oncoming traffic there is before I start to reverse!


I can do it without any assistance systems. Although my car has got Teammate Advanced Park, Rear Cross-Traffic Alert, Intelligent Clearance Sonars with auto braking and a Panoramic View Monitor giving a real-time 360-degree display, I have never used assisted parking. The other two features are quite helpful.

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One could be watching AI reversing. :grin:

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When I was working, reverse parking was a mandatory health and safety requirement, which means you became very good at it in a short space of time. I still do it today as it’s easier to get out of parking spaces and my car is equipped with sensors and a reverse angle camera.

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Back a bit - back a bit- back a bit more. BANG. No problem for me either, or parallel parking My car also can do this automatically apart from gear and use of accelerator peddle

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No problem for me in reverse parking, or parallel parking. I’ve been doing it over 50 years, and at times amazed myself I could get into a small space without scraping tires on the curb. I always back into my park space at home so I can pull out straight away.
My Crosstrek has the backup camera feature now, but habit makes me check my rearview mirror and over my shoulder. I’m glad I didn’t stop using these skills, as some of my friends did over the years.


Same here, especially in almost full supermarket car parks. I reverse in rather easily and quickly.

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One thing I am quite hopeless at is reversing a trailer. I can not get my head around doing the opposite to what you think needs doing.

I can reverse park. It’s not my favorite thing. I’m hoping that I can get a self driving car that does it perfectly one day.

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One word…nope :slight_smile:

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Many years ago I used to drive a tractor and trailer, reversing was a challenge at first, but it’s surprising how adept you become…

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There’s one reason why I often don’t reverse into a parking bay and that is because they are too short so that I can’t open the rear door and load the car.

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