Can you get Shingles without ever having Chicken Pox?

I don’t know what the criteria is for the government wanting to vaccinate everyone against a disease. If each blue square represents 10,000 people, I presume the yellow and red ones do too? If so, the red ones collectively represent 50,000 people and the yellow ones 20,000. Not much percentage-wise of the population but still a fair number.

I’m booked for a shingles jab tomorrow at 0900, or at least to talk to the nurse about it. The GP clinic sent me texts about it on a weekly basis for months, and I was suffering singles pain, had it for six months but I’m over it now. I’m not sure who to trust at my GP clinic so mentioned these texts to the haemotologist I see once every two months re my blood cell probs and he wrote to the clinic to say I should have the inactivated vaccine as opposed to the more-usual live vaccine. Hmmmm …

There are two sides to every story, and I think I know which side the person who did this [coloured squares] is on. Probably frightened of needles. :wink:

I firmly believe that - in the main - the human body was designed to be self healing. All we are doing by our constant use of chemicals, pill taking, vaccinations etc., is weakening our inbuilt immune system.

The only regular medication I take is Thyroxine - because my thyroid has gone AWOL.

I am rarely ill - if/when I am I let it run it’s course. I have not had a cold for about 30yrs, and have never had flu.

But - to each his/her own way of dealing with life.

The criteria is not for the government but for the vaccine manufacturers and that criteria is making absolutely pot loads of money from a dumb and conditioned population. Has nothing to do with making people well, except that this element helps sell the product.

Yep you are correct. only 50,000 people out of 12 million get Shingles which is 0.42% . . . not even half a percent !!

I would guess from this that they have a back stock of that vaccine and want rid of it. Just my guess.

No it was me, I knocked it up in 5 mins on my laptop this afternoon. Graphic representations make it easier for many people to appreciate the numbers.

I totally agree. Unfortunately we are being purposefully assaulted on multiple angles so we have to be constantly vigilant and ensure we look after ourselves.

I understand that is the case with flu vaccinations … I hear that Boots are currently giving them, and charging for them of course, rather than advising customers to come back in a months when this year’s vaccine will be available.

I think you need to do some more research…

The old vaccine was a live vaccine. The new one is not…

The blue grid is just as misleading as your previous posts Realist. The NHS isn’t vaccinating 12 million people a year and 65 - 69 year olds aren’t eligible. Most people only get one shot at age 70. Please stop posting inaccurate information.

I thoroughly agree with you Mart! I attend a specialist cancer hospital every year, since they got rid of my tumour I have noticed that it is always so busy!
I said to my oncologist " Why are so many more people getting cancer. They must be because this place is always so busy!:confused:"
He replied " The reason we are so busy is because we are killing so many tumours, and this means many years of out patient clinics, for the patients, to make sure they do not return."

One stray cancer cell can move to another area of the body and and start another tumour, so check ups can catch this early. The survival rate is now around 50% of cancer patients, and there is a strong opinion that current treatments will increase that much further.

That hospital was founded in 1901, when all patients died. :-
I am pleased to say that I have now been clear for over 6 years, so they must be doing something right…despite Realist protestations!:roll:

Wrong. The haematologist won’t have anything to do with vaccine provision to the GP practice or have any idea of what’s in stock.

Vaccinations strengthen the immune response. It’s not the same as taking medication.

They don’t vaccinate everyone. The blue grid is totally misrepresenting facts.

When I was in Boots the other day they told a customer to come back in September as they did not have the flu vaccine for this year yet.

There have been press reports of a simple new screening blood test to check for a range of cancers. So hopefully evenually it will move from patients having constant outpatient appointments to a simple blood test. The fact that it is 90% accurate at diagnosing the silent killer (ovarian) cancer is a real boost for so many women.

I do too Tabby.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about all the tablets my husband is putting into his body will probably end up killing him, he just takes the tablets the doctor prescribes (its horrendous the amount he takes). I asked him to question why he’s taking a tablet for this and a tablet for that the answer he got is ‘prevention is better than the cure’ He is diabetic and I understand he would need to take metformin but he takes tablets for things he hasn’t even got like blood pressure and cholestrol and it just seems ridiculous.

He still takes all of them because he trusts the doctors know what they are talking about and I find it really frustrating because I worry about the amount of tablets he takes.

I can only sympathise LQ. In the end every man/woman has to find their own way in life, you can’t force people down certain routes. If they don’t believe with their hearts and minds in something then they won’t follow that path.

You’re talking codswallop Annie. The vaccine is licensed for people aged 50yrs and above. It is recommended for people aged 60yrs and above. It is offered FREE by the NHS to those 70yrs and above.

This isn’t about the NHS. This isn’t about one section of the age group. It’s about the vaccine as a whole.

Anyone from age 50yrs up CAN have the vaccine, they may have to pay for it, but they CAN have it. The NHS is NOT the be all and end all. There are lots of private clinics that sell and administer the vaccine too.

You’re too jaded and emotionally attached here. You’re clearly affiliated in some way to the NHS or the health industry.

There are 12 million people aged 65yrs and up in the UK.
That’s the target audience for the vaccine.

The take up is around 50% levels but the industry wants that to increase.

So sure, they are not vaccinating all 12 million at this time, but that is the target audience.

My point stands, which is that for such a TINY percentage of people that develop Shingles we don’t need a vaccine for the millions of other people, we just need a suitable treatment for those who do get Shingles. But of course that simple logical notion doesn’t generate $millions for vaccine manufacturers.

The saving grace here I think is that the population is starting to wake up. More and more people are starting to see the truth of the world they find themselves in and are making life changes and getting back to Nature rather than Big Pharma snake oil. Hence vaccine take up is dropping.