Can you change the lyrics of a song to have a different meaning?

Am I that easy to forget.

Changed lyrics

I’m not that easy to forget
They say I’ve found somebody new
But that won’t stop you loving me
I can let you walk away
Forget the love you have for me

Guess you could find somebody too
But you don’t want no one but me
I can leave without regret
I’m not that easy to forget

You will find somebody too
Please love him more than me
I know you will doubt that you can
I’m not that easy to forget

When you leave you will find
His love is much better than mine
Then you will say we never met
Even though I’m not that easy to forget

I have done Bretrick,but if you can go on YouTube and look up British comedian Peter Kays misheard lyrics you will be in for a treat.


I watched that recently! gave me a good laugh :grin:

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It is funny,i watch it every now and then just for the fun of it.
Also,watching People from the USA,watching him,their reactions are hilarious.

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Very funny. Misheard lyrics can be amazingly funny. :grin: Thank you for that

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You are more than welcome Bretrick.

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