Can I boast, just a little?

That looks lovely, the water is crystal clear. I’m just packing my face mask, snorkel, fins and 3mm shortie…I wish!!!


I have never understood why, when part of the EU, the British, especially those of our age group, didn’t move en masse to somewhere like Italy with not only beautiful scenery but most of all a lovely climate. The opportunity was right there with "freedom of movement"anywhere in the EU.

It is not that the UK doesn’t have beautiful scenery but it also has an unfortunately appalling climate.

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At risk of being perceived as cynical perhaps The Italians had a lucky escape :wink::shushing_face:


Posted about this Chilliboot but it is held up for approval once again!
I mentioned the migrants and immigrant words ! with STATS
expect the thead to be obsolete by the time it gets Approved of…

Scene from the story, “Wee Willie Winkie.”


Beautiful scenery. First visit to Italy many years ago - I put on almost half a stone in 3 weeks - couldn’t resist all that lovely Italian food!!!

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You’re still with us Dianne! :+1::wink:


Looks good! Maybe our government should set up some sort of scheme to facilitate travel and trade with Europe.

From Regina Claudia.
Sounds good though I’m a bloke!


It looks like a beautiful place in Italy :slight_smile:

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Job opportunities not so good here, that probably answers your question. In the far South they are next to nothing, in fact my daughter’s just moved to Verona for her first job.
This explains why there are so many Italians in the USA, Australia, UK and elsewhere, also explains why I was born in London. :smiley: I’m very proud of my British upbringing and am grateful to be bilingual, thanks to my parents emigrating to UK in the 60s.There are two things I miss about the UK - Efficiency and Punctuality!
The bureaucracy here is appalling. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, though. :smile:

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yes back briefly Chilli…

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French paperchasing is horrendous…but love the life style here as we Did in Spain off and on…almost got toi Italy to meet a radio ham that became a friend on line Renzo…a real lovely fella but he lost his battle and we never meet face to face…

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Like it !

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not briefly, stick around Dianne! :+1:

Oh gosh, that’s not bragging, it’s taking us along on a virtual vacation!

Italy reminds me so much of California, where I grew up, that it was love at first sight. Your coastline is lovely, and it looks more rolling that it is to the north.

Thank you for the share! :grinning: :parasol_on_ground: :sunny:


Thank you for all your kind and lovely comments :smile:

Looks lovely, I think Italy/ Greece are fave places and cultures, far superior to my own (my brother gets cross when I say this).

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We get to see quite a lot Italy on TV Programmes of late…so guessing many have seen how beautiful it is…
Just read another Maeve Binchy Novel …Evening Class, which is a female Signora, teaching Italian in a run down school after spending 23 years in Italy living as a lover to Mario who married somebody else although he deeply loved Signora…so he had a lover and a wife…then tragically he died suddenly and she was encouraged to leave the Village that became her home for so long…hence now an evening class title…but does she find more Love!
.Very much a femmes book though…

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I like the TV series ‘The Trip’. Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon travel to various beautiful locations to have a meal at a well regarded restaurant. One series covered parts of Italy including the Amalfi coast. They arrived on a sailing ship - with auxiliary motor - in one episode. Many views of the scenery woven in with their well lubricated dodgy impressions of film stars and celebrities.


Talk about having you cake and eating it :laughing: