Can anyone answer this one?

Have just been watching an old DVD - Amanda Burton in the ‘Commander’. In the episode ‘Virus’ she and an actor named Pip Torrens are seen sitting in some kind of small buggy going through a tiled underground tunnel that seems to go on for miles. I was wondering if it were a real location and - if so - where it was?

Sorry never seen it Tabs is there a link to the scene or anything?

Never watched it either but is it this one ?

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I did not watch that series so I cannot add with any certainty, but there was a postal underground system that I believe is now no longer used.
Mail Rail - The Postal Museum

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Could be anywhere.
There are so many underground tunnels in London because there’s no way anyone can travel anywhere beyond a few yards above ground these days.
I’m glad I don’t have to live there!

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It doesn’t look like either one of those. Have found a website for the writer - Lynda la Plante - so have emailed there to ask. Will let you know if I receive a reply.