Came across some Kangaroos on my drive this morning

I counted at least 30 in this mob.

These three must have upset the mob and were banished from the cool shade.


Amazing photos of the kangeroos Bretrick, that must have been a wonderful sight to see. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oooooh how lovely Bretrick,thank you for sharing.
We have Deer by us loads of them too.


I love coming across Kangaroos. Always keeping my distance so the Kangaroos do not become stressed.

I only have to see a couple of squirrels and I get excited … you lucky thing. Did they stay long?


Longer than I did. When resting, Kangaroos can lounge for hours.

Do they come for food? Or just passing through?
I think it’s great.

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perhaps they’ve got covid?

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Aren’t they common round your way @Bretrick? I think I see more roos than dogs (no, I don’t but you know what I mean). Too many deer too.


They are very common “in my area” but not in the middle of the city. Need to go to the outskirts to see a multitude of them.


Get it, I live on the very outskirts of Wollongong I guess, though the bush is moving away from me each year.

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Western Grey Kangaroos have a home territory.
Which can be 700 hectares or 7 sq kms.
The larger Red Kangaroos can have a home range up to 25km.
Though some can roam much further - up to 200kms.


Wow!! Thanks for sharing these photos! :smiley:


here I have the smaller wallabies - north west oz - but if you try to pick one up it can still do ya some damage! - they timidly sneak into my jungle grove as I sit and have a early evening beer and if I am very very still and quiet will come and drink from the dogs water bowls - non- descripitive!!

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Such an amazing experience for you. Wish I was so lucky.

they are very skitish even the slightest cough will send them fleeing - I treasure those quiet moments and the dog cannot be included of course!!

I am not convinced that they are that skittish, you often see them in public parks and Caravan Parks because the grass is to their liking.especially now they are no hunted.



I think they’re great … . though I wouldn’t want to run into an angry one.

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You wouldn’t want to run into one full stop, hitting one can write off your car and at night some try to jump your headlights so end up coming through the windscreen.

I suspect that most visitor’s first sighting of a kangaroo is as road kill on the side of the road.

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