Caerphilly cheese to be made in Wales

I was brought up on Caerphilly. My mum used to give me a slice with a dollop of jam on top as a treat. I am sure there’s more to its demise than a GB news headline.

Great, tho the article seems a bit odd/sensationalist:

Headline: Brexit restores world-famous British produce to hometown after bureaucratic EU legislation outlawed production 30 years ago

Whereas the reason seems to be:

…production was halted in 1995 when European legislation made it illegal to take delivery of unpasteurised milk in metal churns.

What’s the transport of milk got to do with it? Surely they’d be using local milk, making the cheese and then transporting that?

I wouldn’t want RAW milk transported for any great length of time in metal churns myself (metal kills the good bacteria - it’s why we don’t use metal sieves or metal cans for fermented foods).

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According to wiki " During the Second World War, production was stopped and diverted to Cheddar in English factories. After the war, those factories began to produce Caerphilly as it was quicker to make than Cheddar, and therefore more profitable. The majority of Caerphilly is now produced in Somerset and Wiltshire Artisan cheesemakers still make Caerphilly in the pre-war style, and these have been successful at the British Cheese Awards."

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The new company will not be using unpasteurised milk anyway - they will be using pasteurised milk, so it would have been within food safety regulations whether we were in the EU or not!


Usual GB news anti EU crapola.

Any company at anytime in Caerphilly could have made the cheese with unpasteurised milk, they just had to find a safer way to transport it

And safer is better. Our food standards are doomed to go down now we’re not protected by EU regulations, especially on imported food

Many, many companies in other parts of the U.K. have carried on making Caerphilly, so the EU is not the reason it’s not being made in Caerphilly itself anymore

Actually, these two just up the road from me make excellent cheeses, including an unpasteurised milk Caerphilly. If they can do it, it could have been done in Caerphilly too

But best of luck to the new company

But they’re not, as GBNews and the Telegraph would like to imply, a traditional cheese maker returning to their craft now we’ve got rid of that nasty EU

In fact, they are a start up in receipt of a grant who knew nothing about cheese making and had to learn from scratch

I don’t know if they are using pasteurised or unpasteurised milk, but if it’s pasteurised then it will be less authentic than Caerphilly made elsewhere

So hurrah that there will be Caerphilly made in Caerphilly again

And Boo to GBNews for it’s biased anti EU spin on the story


The trouble is, these disingenuous headlines don’t have to be accurate and objective - all a biased media outlet needs to do is to put the biased spin out there for its readers to pick up and confirmation bias will do the rest … even if they give more accurate details in the small print, it’s the bold headline which people latch on to and remember and repeat to others, especially if it fits in with their own views. :roll_eyes:

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Exactly, designed to whip up anger and resentment with half truths to fit their own agenda

Caerphilly cheese hasn’t returned to Caerphilly because of Brexit! :rage:

I’ve not tried Caerphilly cheese is there a veggie version.