Bucket list

I like special mobile applications for this. It’s extremely convenient. Your list always is in front of your eyes, you can edit it any time and add items to it 7 Best Bucket List Apps.

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You’ll note, I said personally in my OP.

In my opinion, those are someone else’s suggestions and I’ve a mind of my own to make up my bucket list. Each to his own.

I did this once, years and years ago…only ticked off a few things mind you :roll_eyes:

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Did you enjoy it PixieK?

I just don’t want to be in a competition. Go at my own pace. Life’s full of trying to measure up. Sometimes nice to be a renegade

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The only thing on my list is to keep avoiding the bucket.


I did thanks! Made a few new experiences I would never have done otherwise! :+1: Still never got to Peru or Bhutan though :frowning: OR the hot air balloon! :joy: They have still to come…when I get to 60 or something…

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That’s a good list :grin:

I lose lists though.

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Keep at it PixieK!
Mine just gets longer…

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I’ve been re-assessing my bucket list recently.

I feel that besides big ticket items, it’s also smaller things that should be included in your bucket list including self-care and family time.

What are your small items that you include in your bucket list?

You’re welcome to share big ticket items as well

I’ve had a good life, done some things I can only dream about now and wonder where it all went, I perhaps should have done more when I had the chance. I’ve tried to make people smile and be happy, but unfortunately broken a few hearts on the way. So if I expire tonight in my sleep I’ll have no regrets and have achieved more than I thought I would have. My bucket list is complete, anything more will be a bonus…


That’s awesome sly old grey :fox_face:!


Fall in love
Marry a beautiful woman
Have healthy kids
Live in a beautiful house
Have a happy life
Have a flight in the back seat of a Tornado Fighter/Bomber
Drink many beers with friends.

I have managed all but one of those. I did get to sit in the back seat of a Tornado when the chap in the front seat did a double engine run to Combat rating whilst the aircraft was tied down, so I can say I kicked that bucket but it didn’t fall over.

Move to Cornwall, put the bucket on the back burner, buy a top of the range fishing kayak and spend hour after hour beachcombing.

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I’ve achieved my latest goal to move to the sea
Now I’m working on hanging on to my good health .

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I’m not really a bucket list sort of person, I like to enjoy the everyday

But it’s strange this came up today because I was quite touched this morning by a lady on my Stephen King fan group.

Only 50, she’s been given only 12 months to live, her uncle paid for her and her husband to stay in the Stanley Hotel ( it the hotel the one in the Shining is based on) Something she always wanted to do and I’m glad she made it

If there are things you want to do, do them now :disappointed_relieved:



Where is your current work, Graham?

Most of it is sitting on my hard drive or on my Ipad I use to show to perspective clients. I have posted a few pics on here under various threads, but I tend to keep them off social media because I have had issue with people copying them.

There is a real problem with who gets our shots, next, I suspect. The Net is rife with image theft and breaches of copyright/s.