British travellers will have to pay a fee to enter the EU from next year

Cheers Baz46…

So it’s not just a dig at the Brits

I am sorry to say that of all the countries I have traveled in my life the USA is the one that never wish to go again .
Just getting through the immigration officials is a major ordeal none of it pleasant .
The immigration officials are rude ignorant and as unhelpful as possible especially in Miami which is a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Everyone is treated like something stuck on the sole of their shoes.
This is not a one off experience I have unfortunately traveled through the USA many times and all of them have been awful .
The only pleasant people I found were in Disney land where people were kind and pleasant .

Start with the suggested £5 fee, then convert it into Euros, then document everyone who pays the fee, then hand out a receipt, then, then,…!

Or, maybe someone can write a mobile collection app which works?

:023: You are welcome.

I wondered that myself to start with but it seems not.
:thinking: :grinning:

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So it’s guesswork rather than research, Ted? :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess so, Harbal!

I have grown used to having to guess how these sort of plans will work, in the field!

We used to get our Turkish visa online in a matter of minutes.


It is a fee you will have to pay once every 3 years, it does not apply to children and the over 70s.

It is not targeted at the UK, it applies to all Countries outside the Schengen Area.

It is the same system that the USA use to pre check arrivals for certain things.

It is designed to aid Border Checks and identify problem visitors.

The UK has no plans st the moment to introduce such a scheme.

So much for taking back control of our Borders.

Does that suggest that the Governments did not put extra jobs in place to make that happen?

Anyway, why would Turkeys need Visas this close to Christmas?

Exactly, got it in one.

This isn’t new news. It’s been on the cards for at least a couple of years. In any case, when I’ve been travelling for business (and some holidays) I’ve had to pay for a visa before setting off so, what’s the difference here?

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I think it could be a surprise for people who haven’t had to do this though…its a surprise to me, which is why I posted it.

Seems a very reasonable fee to me, what is that $10? I think my visa for Vietnam and Cambodia cost many times that each.

If you are worried about that sort of fee then you truly are the poor men of Europe.

It is newspapers selling stories mostly although it is getting a free for all now… stirring up hatred amongst other Countries that really has no foundations.
Politicians are also to blame…
They rely on the general public to escalate stories that have little truth in them…
If you really wanted to help bring some peace to the world then stop posting such drama that is not even fit for the stage…oh of course its Panto season…

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