Britain in crisis?

I will wait a bit before I post on his subject again, let’s see a bit more :smiley:

Well I suggest you read past the first paragraph and try smiling.

Answering a question with a question isn’t really a response though…

I did answer it, the answer was in the article. Did you read the article, because if you had then you would have seen the answer.

You’ve trawled across the whole of Europe, and covered two months, to find seven articles. I could have find twice as many similar events in one month in the UK alone.
By the way - Europe flights cancellations are primarily due to staff shortages (Lufthansa, Ryanair) or delay in aircraft deliveries (SAS) and after a fairly long search I could only find reference to Ryanair’s Spanish aircrew being on strike right now.
Also, an article about Austrian pay deal is hardly news. No-one refers to Rolls-Royce recently awarding its staff a 10% pay deal as sign of industrial unrest.
So, yes, there have been a few examples of strikes in different EU countries. You cite French petrol production as an issue. Believe me, and I live in France, this issue is long sorted and now forgotten. And I never had problems finding petrol back in October. But no single country has the issues that the UK has with strikes across multiple sectors.

There’s a good reason for that Strath, because the BBC and the rest of the MSM do not report on these issues. Over the last part of 2022 there have been protests in every major city in europe ranging from forced vaccinations to the cost of living. The farmers in Holland are having their land and businesses stolen out from under their noses and have mounted the biggest protest ever seen in the Netherlands, not a peep on the beeb…
They seem pretty keen on rubbishing Britain though and blaming everything on Putin to justify the billions we send for the war effort, while our own citizens struggle to keep warm or feed their families. Our country is being flooded with undesirables filling hotels all across the country…Again, neglected on the news except for reports of how they struggled and risked their lives to cross the channel and it’s all our fault for complaining. Again millions of pounds wasted that would be better spent giving nurses the wage they deserve for saving lives each day of their lives…Unless the people of this country start kicking some arse, you had better learn to live with it.


I watched a video yesterday in which the American Journal of Medicine published a peer reviewed article suggesting that people who were vaccinated were less likely to be in a car accident…meaning you were more likely to crash if you hadn’t been vaccinated.

COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash - The American Journal of Medicine (

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I read the entire article. Keep on smiling and the whole world smiles with you? It does seem to be the gist of it. A nice piece of propaganda.

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Unvaccinated people checking antivax articles on their phones when driving?


Pretty much every time there is an economic crisis there is a right wing commentator who pitches in with the “what we need is to be positive” message. The incumbent government will wheel out ministers to make the same sort of plea - remember Lamont’s “green shoots of recovery” when the truth was that the recovery was another two years away. Its a dismal and desperate attempt to negate accurate and truthful reflection of the situation we’re in. And its all utter bo**ocks.

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That’s the spirit, eh @strathmore.

Feel free to join me in the mental
health thread for more tales of joy and happiness. :wink:

when the british lose all faith in their politcians all hope is lost - merry xmas I’m just tryin to cope with the heat at 6pm and 26C?

At the end of the day the economy will eventually come back to some sort of equilibrium as it always does because that’s what financial systems do after a storm, but this is an article with no real story or analysis. I don’t understand why it’s being presented as evidence of anything.

I almost linked the Brummer article to said thread to give everyone a ray of hope.

That’s the benefit of sorta leveling a society income wise, when the shit hits the fan its a like the old Union adage “One out All out”. :smiley:

Now, you know they are having a laugh at the vaxxed folks expense Pixie…
Does anyone seriously believe that…

Yep, looks like it. There will be loads of coincidental correlations in the world. These do not imply causal connections.

I suppose, if pushed, one might argue that those who haven’t had a vaccination MIGHT have more of a devil-may-care attitude towards life in general, and so are more likely to be involved in accidents. Tenuous, I know, but at least it could have a degree of logic in it ?:man_shrugging:

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At the risk of turning this into another thread about covid vaccines Dex, I would just like to add:
That the establishment or big pharma, have tried every trick in the book to make sure that everyone and their dog receives the covid and/or flu vaccine. They have used every advertising outlet, promised entry into raffles, free burgers for the vaxxed and many other incentives. They then got serious and threatened people with sackings in certain jobs for failure to comply. Banning travel and entrance to venues, and telling lies about the vaccines…It will prevent you catching covid and will stop you spreading covid…Lies which are now being challenged in a court of law…And now that you are more likely to have an accident if you haven’t been vaxxed…

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Who knows. Personally, I think it’s a few doctors just taking the pi$$ at the absurdity of it all, which is why they mentioned Elvis. Ridiculing the parody, and should be read with the same level of (low/non existential) gravitas.

My friends and I were discussing this sort of thing last week. How some people watch shows such as Til Death Us Do Part and lack the intelligence, wit and humour to recognise that the program is attacking racist attitudes. Presumably there will be some half wits who read that report and failed to see what the authors were having a pop at

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Anyway, back to topic. Came across this little article yesterday. Makes sense to me

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