Bring back Boris?

Anyone thinking about this? Us being between a rock and a hard place and at least with Bo we knew it was just marshmallow. So do you feel comfortable at the moment watching our next esteemed leaders battle it out with wooden swords? Or would you prefer if we could just turn back the clock a few weeks?

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I believe that Boris is behind this Punch & Judy show anyway, so he hasn’t, strictly speaking, gone as such.

Its uncomfortable not knowing whats to come, and I’d like to say it couldn’t be worse, but yes, yes it could.


Annie, I totally agree with you. It’s a case of … you don’t apreciate what you have until it’s gone. Ok he’s a bumbling fool and a liar but…

The very thought of Liz Truss fills me with dread. I feel we are doomed as she seems so weak and useless.

If she gets in the Conservatives are finished and Labour will be celebrating a future victory!


It’s possible .There’s a Marcos back in the Philippines.I think Boris has brought the UK down to their level

Bring back a credible and electable opposition.



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Politicians are like buses , you have to wait for the right to come along, sometimes they are not in service and sometimes they come in threes. I don’t vote it only encourages them. Nothing changes for me, other than getting poorer no matter who is in power

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Rick astley for pm…he’s never gonna
Let you down
Run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you…


To me, to bring back a corrupt liar like Johnson and tolerate his vile behaviour would be to shame and destroy our country and it’s democracy and obliterate what little integrity we have left

So no! :rofl:


Maree, l would say, if Liz Truss gets in… you’ve seen nothing yet!


That made me laugh. :grinning:

You see, to me it doesn’t matter who gets in next, it’s about principles

Johnson is a liar and corrupt, so to protect our democracy he had to go. You can’t allow a man like that to stay in power

Then, a new leader gets chosen, hopefully someone better :crossed_fingers:

But if they do turn out to be worse, we get rid of them too.

And by getting rid of Johnson we’ll have set a precedent of what’s not acceptable in a leader and raised our standards

To keep someone you know to be corrupt in power just because you’re afraid the next one might be too would be a very wicked thing

You have to set some standards and insist any PM meets them, or they’re out


Is the choice really between a narcissist that became the worst PM that this country has ever had and an self-serving airhead who will become the most forgettable … :037:


Either of them Art. I can’t see either of them holding the reigns to a rocking horse never mind govern. I was watching her on telly tonight. She doesn’t seem to have the physical endurance never mind hold her own mentally. You could see her whole body contort with exhaustion.

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There isn’t one! All politicians these days are self agrandizing scum with no morals.


I don’t believe that all politicians are scum, the problem is that the principled, intelligent ones get nowhere in the self serving, lying race to the top.

What I do find scary is that the less than 200,000 people who will choose our next PM contain a large proportion wanting Boris back.

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The Tories have shot themselves in the foot…thats for sure. They were led by the nose by the media and others to do their will and bring down Boris…now look where they are…

Up the creek without a paddle.

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There is nothing to choose between the lot of them .


Too late now but those who hate Brexit and the Conservatives got what they wanted and they will no doubt be warming up to spread their hatred and ridicule of whoever gets in this time.

My impression was that it was a tory coup by those who are pro v hard brexit & think Bo is too soft.

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