Brexit: PM to unveil plans to scrap parts of NI Protocol agreed with EU

How Europe has changed in 75 years.

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Boris has a problem in that a majority of the elected politicians in NI have signed a letter stating that they support the protocol and find it advantageous.

This rather stuffs him

Might be worth replacing that Nazi symbol with something more British @Bruce , unless that’s what you think of us? :thinking:


I merely replay what people on here have said on here about your government of entitled elitists

What’s new? They (and especially our historic enemy France) always find something to get back at us for two obvious reasons:

  • they detest the fact that their cash cow has left their complete control;
  • they are jealous of the fact that we have outdone them throughout history.
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I don’t know about protocols, but as far as I’m concerned as long as the majority of the people of NI wish to remain part of the UK, then they must. It’s called democracy.

I care nothing of the border. If the EU wants to prevent trade between the UK (and NI) and the EU countries, it is their responsibility to police it.

Similarly, the UK has every right to promote our own interests, and the EU isn’t one of them.

We have every right to use every means at our disposal to support the interests of our own people.

You see? It works both ways!

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So we’re Nazis and hope that the EU will come and help us out?
That’s a bit ‘arse about face’ in my opinion.

Nice to know who your friends are.

Oh, I see, @Bruce , then you have no opinion of your own you just repeat what others have said?

In fact the real entitled elitists are actually the EU Commision, and are they still behaving completely in their dictatorial manner which has gotten even worse since we voted to leave, as they feel they have to continually punish us for having the temerity to wave adieu their comfortable little autocracy. To think otherwise you obviously have no understanding of either the EU nor their modus operandi, and perhaps you should refrain from taking sides until you do actually do understand it? :thinking:

Oh, and by the way, to even imply that we are a fascist nation insults both me personally, and also insults the other seventeen million people who also voted to leave the EU stranglehold, so maybe it might be an idea to refrain from bandying such unjust accusations, which do nothing to aid the debate? . :rage:

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@Maree, " stupid to make enemies of the countries closest to us" ??
Make enemies !??
We only wish to withdraw from their club ?
They are the ones making threats !!
Should we respond to threats ??
You haven’t answered the question of the ‘get out’ clause in the protocol
to my satisfaction yet, it would be nice if you can oblige ?
What Boris has done gets my approval but it was a surprise as l thought
he had no intention of following through ??
My greatest wish now is for the EU to scrap the whole negotiated trade
deal and set us free !
But l think you will find that they they don’t want this ??
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::+1:


Absolutely. Whether Britain remains in the EU or not makes no difference to me whatsoever but whether you like it or not Britain is part of Europe, most of its trade is with Europe and as some one else said making enemies of your neighbours and trading partners makes little sense. Yet now your PM is planning to scrap parts of an agreement he made with the EU as part of the Brexit deal.

The EU thought they had a deal but it turns out it wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on because BJ wants to reneg on it.

Here is a picture of the EU returning home with the agreement signed by Boris Johnson and his government.

Of greater importance is the matter of sovereignty.

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It was the EU that hasn’t acted in good faith by imposing import bans of UK goods into Northern Ireland which comply with UK law but not EU law (such as phytosanitary products).

Northern Ireland is part of the customs union and single market of the United Kingdom and have deliberately done this out of spite because of Brexit.

The EU refuse to negotiate the Irish Protocol, so are also acting in bad faith.

The EU also triggered Article 16 by banning exports of vaccines from the Republic of Ireland to the UK without warning or in accordance with the notification period set out in the Irish Protocol and the TCA.

The UK has every right to unilaterally change the Irish Protocol.

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Not quite because Sinn Fein (who are the MPs in favour of the NI Protocol) are not unionists and the majority of the people in NI are not republicans they are unionists.

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Bruce ran away from the EU a long time before the rest of the UK did.

Bruce ran away to Australia 
 thats not in the EU or even in Europe.

But Bruce says the UK are Nazis for not being in the EU

Does anyone follow what the hell Bruce is on about or has he been drinking again ?

Looks like he is more Nazi than we are.

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It’s negotiations. The UK are wanting this to get passed parliament as a threat to use as a negotiating tool. Just in the same way as the EU are threatening a trade war if we do use it. The UK has said it won’t put any tariffs on our goods that we export to the EU, but the EU are saying they’ll put 10% on goods they supply to us, will they honestly do this to the detriment of their exporters.

It’s all just games and flexing muscles at the moment and waiting for the first one to blink. Don’t take any of it seriously.

I doubt it. It’s more about retaining Ulster as a part of the UK and protecting it from being absorbed into Eire.

The tariffs work the other way, so the EU put high tariffs on our exports into the EU while the UK don’t put tariffs on EU imports.

The EU increasing tariffs on the UK would also mean higher tariffs on imports into the EU from every other country which is a member of the WTO because of “most favoured nation” rules and also the common external tarrif of the single market.

Bring it on I say, most of our exports to the EU are services, of which, there are no tariffs anyway.

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