Brexit benefits - where are they?

People who absorb all the hype are always going to be disappointed.

You say ‘hype’ whereas others might say ‘cynical lies’. You can imagine how pleased the leave campaign team was to come up with the pitch of pumping more money into the NHS as they just knew that this would be a vote winner. They had no intention of actually putting more money into the NHS of course. They probably knew that leaving the EU would damage the UK economy so in fact there would likely be less money available for the NHS. But this pitch was such a certain vote winner that is what went onto the side of the bus. So, no, not ‘hype’ at all. But a callous, cynical, baseless claim simply to win votes for leave.


Do you not believe the cynical jibe about politicians and when their lips move?

I guessed that would be one response: “but they all lie, what did you expect?”
I think there is a significant difference between the hoped for truths put forward in, say, an election campaign. These are, at least in principle, the proposals that a party and its politicians set out to benefit the country as they see things, and as such to secure votes. And get into power so that they enact these proposals. Unfortunately these get seen as less than truthful proposals because (1) some politicians will add in vote winning proposals that they have no intention of fulfilling, they just want the votes; (2) it frequently transpires that there are good reasons or sound obstacles to enacting the proposals as they set them out to voters. Now the first instance is risky as voters can get wise to this ploy - it represents bare faced lies but these are infrequent. The second scenario does not represent lies, just political incompetence.
The Brexit suite of lies by the leave campaign was a case of any lie, any exaggeration, any mis-representation just to try to get votes. Remember, prior to the actual referendum it was widely reported that the vote would go to remain. So the leave campaign felt anything justified the means - hence the poster of thousands of brown skinned people supposedly waiting to get to the UK amid the claims of Turkey imminently joining the EU. And similarly the empty claim of shifting EU money to the NHS. And the claims that the post-Brexit deal with the EU will be even better than being in the EU. Knowing lies.
It is of course worth noting the remain campaign’s p*** poor and thoughtless wild claims of instant poverty and massive job losses if Brexit did happen. I knew before the referendum that Osborne and Cameron were simply posh boy chancers, elevated to way beyond their skills and judgement. But their remain contributions were so bad that they equally could be accused of being less than honest. And it did help deliver the leave vote.

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Yes, l saw that report too,not seems our recovery from shutdowns
and unexpected expenditure is proceeding at above average pace
among the nation’s Bread !!
Can we keep it up?
We have a problem with finding enough labour to supply both
highly skilled jtachnical staff , and can’t even find people to pick
vegetables etc either !!
Our economy has become completely unbalanced with our reliance
on the financial sector and retail ?
Anyway. good news l believe !!

Donkeyman! :+1::+1::+1:

Let’s agree on the unbalanced dependence on the financial sector. I blame Thatcher for that gift. I’m actually a fan of the financial sector. But only when they follow and do not lead. And are strongly regulated.
Now, where is the UK’s strategy for manufacturing?

That was Donkeymans post from the other forum, just inserted it because some things don’t change. I was there, in manufacturing when the last nails in the coffin, the international outsourcing were being hammered home, and directly asked the question

I got no answer, so, I do not have one to enlighten anyone else with.

Good evening Bruce and all others,

nothing went wrong, maybe some politicians lied a bit too much and too bluntly. And maybe they just did not know what they were doing.

However, having read thousands of comments about (leaving) the EU over the last years (as a casual observer), I guess that most of UKs citizens got what they wanted so desperately. Seriously, enjoying the feeling of being independent can “move mountains” I guess.

I mean, some people pay 100.000 EUR to buy a car because they think it is worth it for them, others are buying a “Luis Vuitton” handbag for >2000EUR for the same reason.

I would not but many do because they ‘feel’ that it is worth it for them.

From that perspective I think, nothing went wrong!

P. S.: some day I will have to learn where to put commas when writing English…

The benefits started years ago.

And I thought that I could discuss things with you. It seems that I cannot, altough I once owned another “red flat car from the other manufacturer”, a 328 GTS, however, I do not get Your message, sorry!

Don’t apologise, folks always want the gold standard.


still, when I remember seing Triumph Spitfire cars when I was young…
Some of the most beautiful cars I have ever seen :heart_eyes:

And the (beloved) white Lutus Esprit, from the 007 movie (“the spy who loved me”, how I loved that!

You know what: there is no German car which I ever loved half as much as the Lotus!

Now I have to reply to myself, how embarrassing: I asked my brother (who collects oldtimers, mainly Ferrari, Porsche and Mercedes) about Lotus, he advised ageinst it. Would you recommend it?

I love them all, they are all in the story book, that book needs encasing in lead, maybe. :crazy_face:

I guess that You are right. How can somebody (being born after yr 2000) find current cars beautiful?

When my cars (12 yrs old) break down, I will be in an ethical pickle…

(hoping to have used the phrase “ethical pickle” accordingly)
You know what, I find the English language so interesting and I wished that I had studied it in England for some years and not only at school!

When I lived in London I knew a bloke who made a living only repairing Triumph Spitfire front ends. They still had the Triumph Herald’s brake system so couldn’t stop and constantly ran into the back of things.


A lot of this seems to be about profit opportunities from the transactional costs of increased bureaucracy and barriers to trade - it even says “one big market is bureaucracy”. Struggling to see how this adds value to our economy. Can you answer that one Wendeey?

Even the “Guvnor” can’t see the economy, it is translucent and fabled :icon_wink:

:rofl: Great!

Disagree @Tedc. It did happen but the governments since then (2016) have ignored a fair and decisive referendum because they did not and were not and are still not able to agree with a leave result.

Democracy is being denied.