Brexit benefits - where are they?

I’m genuinely happy that you agree that austerity is damaging to the services a country provides to its citizens, and has no economic benefit. It is simply a perspective held by some that public service = bad & wasteful. An ideology rather than a sound economic policy. Its nice to agree, isn’t it?

I don’t recall giving my opinions of austerity. I just posted a link to show that the Tories aren’t the only ones going for austerity. Even Gordon Brown went for it, but he called it ‘prudence’.

Because he was Scots.

I think its a stretch too far to claim any minor cost savings that Brown instigated could be called austerity. The 2010 onwards austerity was a systematic and deep reaching series of cuts and withdrawals of funding.
None of which helps us identify a tangible benefit from Brexit.

You’re the one who keeps taking it off the conversation, first by bringing the IMF into it, now austerity.

I’m glad we’re now out of the EU so there’s one benefit to me personally anyway and as the Telegraph article pointed out, I’m glad we’re not still in it.

You then started blabbering on about the IMF and now austerity. Two topics I’m not at all interested in and if you are, I’d have thought you would have started another thread about them.

I would have thought you’d be more interested in France’s problems than the UK’s.

Let’s definitely keep this about Brexit benefits. I’m happy to move on from the IMF forecast and from austerity (one being the outcome of Brexit and the other being a cause of Brexit, but lets drop these topics). I am interested in affairs in France - but again not a topic for this thread. I am interested the success of the UK for all its citizens - hence my anger about Brexit.
I have absolutely no doubt that you take a personal happiness from the UK’s leaving the EU. However your satisfaction is not a tangible thing that others can benefit from. So it does not count as a tangible Brexit benefit. So please move on or offer up a real benefit. Or accept that even though it made you happy, Brexit is not good for the country overall.

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As I keep saying come back and talk to me about it in 10 years time.

I absolutely knew the response was going to be “ask me in 10 years time” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That certainly seems to be a Brexit benefit. I can’t argue as I haven’t investigated what I am curious about though is the leap to the vague “UK resumed it’s place on the world stage” . Specific examples?

There was a good opinion piece in the Guardian / Observer today. Essentially it says that the UK was failing badly before the referendum. And its been failing since Brexit was voted for but the noise from both sides of the vote are only serving to distract from these UK failings.
“In constantly drawing our eyes towards it, Brexit is both the result of Britain’s failings and a smokescreen for them.” “Brexit was always the wrong answer to the right question that millions across the country were asking. How do we regain a sense of identity, community, prosperity and security in our future?”

I thought this was a good article in the Guardian:

And another good article from The Guardian:

The other two people on the panel, Keith and Kay, both voted to leave the EU and remained convinced about their decision.

Keith, a retired chartered accountant, said Brexit was “so far so good” but added that it “will take time” for the benefits of Brexit to emerge.

He noted: “I give it five or ten years before making a decision on whether Brexit was a success or not.”

So if people ask Keith, he gives the same reply as me.

some of us won’t be alive in 5 or 10 years…but at the moment it feels like the country is in the toilet

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Yep, in this debate, no one is considering time. :icon_wink:

Hmmm worth keeping an eye out for to see what happens:

When we find some, lets talk about them, until then patience is a virtue :smiley:

This article has zero positive or realistic aspects to it. Why share such a nasty piece of trash journalism? It does not even mention a Brexit benefit.


Hens coming home to roost@Wendeey.

Explain please, Court case is hardly trash.

It is corruption on a scale certainly never seen in British politics - ever. And yet you’ve barely read about it or watched it on TV have you? Odd that.